Friday August 15, 2008 3:46 pm
Role Refill Ordered for My Own Worst Enemy
Is Madchen Amick officially making a comeback? After a string of parts on various shows, the actress has nabbed two high profile television roles this year.
Amick, best known for her years on Twin Peaks, already has a juicy stint coming up on Gossip Girl. Now, she’s just been asked to do a last-minute replacement on My Own Worst Enemy.
Even though the NBC show is scheduled to premiere in just a few months, it’s already had to deal with a few untimely changes. Recently, the show’s creator was pushed further into the background while one of the co-producers was promoted to executive producer/showrunner status. Now, the freshman series is having to rebuild itself around a new actress.
Originally, Yara Martinez (The Unit) was scheduled to star opposite Christian Slater. Amick will now assume the role of the unsuspecting wife. (Slater plays a man with two personalities; one’s a regular joe, the other’s a spy.)
Are these changes symbolic of a troubled season to come? We’ll find out when Enemy premieres on October 13.
- Related Tags:
- casting, christian slater, madchen amick, my own worst enemy, nbc, replacement, replacements, role refill, role refills, yara martinez
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