Tuesday June 19, 2007 7:10 pm
Video: Lost Oceanic Flight 815 Crash Scenes Spliced Together
An adventurous soul decided it best to put all the different scenes from Lost surrounding the crash of Oceanic Flight 815 together into one video sequence. Throughout the first three seasons of Lost, we have seen bits and pieces of the crash from various perspectives, and we love that we can now see them all at once. It provides a unique look at was going one on in the air, as well as on two different areas of the island. From the creator:
I thought it would be interesting to show all of the different perspectives shown of the plane crashing. So I’ve edited the viewpoint from inside the plane along with Desmond not pressing the button and The Others watching from the ground. Each sequence doesn’t line up perfectly and run alongside with the exact same timings, so please excuse some creative manipulation of some events which was necessary so that as a sequence it at least made some sense. Also, as it was done hastily in iMovie, and I’m not going to even try to achieve semi-professional editing with that program, the audio just jumps between cuts. Obviously, if anyone out there can use Final Cut Pro to do a better job, please do.
Our verdict? Good enough!
- Related Tags:
- henry gayle, lost, matthew fox, michael emerson, oceanic 815, the others, videos
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