Wednesday June 13, 2007 6:22 pm
Don’t Freak! There’s More Criss Angel to Come
There are still six new episodes left in the third season of Criss Angel’s Mindfreak, the magical A&E show that’s unlike anything else on TV. Though this is obviously one of those series that falls decidedly more into the “Entertainment” category of “Arts & Entertainment,” it has been one of the more successful for the network. And for good reason: Criss Angel performs tricks that even rationale can’t seem to explain. In past seasons of the show, Criss has been run over by a car, blown up inside a box with explosive, and electrocuted. What could be possibly do in his new season to top the crazy tricks he’s already performed in the past? This is the same man, mind you, that levitated from rooftop to rooftop in glittering Las Vegas, right in the middle of broad daylight. Yet, Criss Angel promises the best is still yet to come.
More celebrity guests, street performances, and stunning magical sites are lined up for the remaining episodes of Mindfreak, not to mention peeks at how a master trickster like Angel pulls off his magical feats. For this new season, Angel has moved to the fabulous Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, and several of his tricks have largely involved the famed casino. Among other tricks, Criss plans to pay a tribute to Houdini and make a Lanborghini disappear to amazed live and television audiences this season.
The next new episode of Mindfreak airs Tuesday, June 19 at 10:00pm ET. In “Motorhead,” Criss Angel will turn a Bentley into a Lamborghini, then make himself and car vanish while driving inside. An encore of the episode will air June 20 at 2:00am ET. To catch the Angel of magic in action, he’ll be performing at a Cirque du Soleil production at the Luxor in Las Vegas starting September 2008. Until then, he’ll still be working on all new Mindfreaks to blow audiences away.
- Related Tags:
- a&e;, criss angel, illusion, magic, mindfreak, new episodes, new season, series
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