Saturday November 10, 2007 2:06 pm
UPDATE: ‘One Life to Live’ Star Fired
As a follow to his arrest in October, actor Nathaniel Marston has now been fired from his job on One Life to Live. The 32-year-old soap opera star was detained last month after attacking three men with a crate in New York. Nathaniel, who police believe was under the influence of a narcotic, was transferred to a local hospital after the incident and listed as ‘emotionally unstable’.
Marston, who played Dr. Michael McBain on the daytime show, was involved in a large storyline at the time of his arrest. It is believed ABC and One Life to Live will now work on recasting his role.
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- Related Tags:
- abc, arrest, arrested, daytime, detained, fired, michael mcbain, narcotic, nathaniel marston, one life to live, police, recast, soap opera
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