Tuesday September 14, 2010 12:41 am
TV Talk: High Interest in Law & Order: LA, Low Numbers for HBO
Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Comedy, Drama, Music, Prime Time, Sports, Cable, CBS, FOX, HBO, NBC, DVR, Ratings,
-Which new shows are you looking forward to checking out? According to a TiVo poll, Law & Order: Los Angeles and Hawaii Five-0 are the most-anticipated programs of the upcoming season.
-When is an Oscar nominee not considered “famous enough”? When her name is Carey Mulligan. The Wall Street 2 star says she would love to be in Glee, but she’s apparently not recognizable enough for a cameo.
-Has HBO lost some of its appeal? Despite shows like True Blood, Entourage and Hung, the cable channel’s second quarter audience numbers were the lowest in four years. New series Boardwalk Empire begins this Sunday.
-Sunday Night Football, though, is doing just fine for NBC. This weekend’s game between the Dallas Cowboys and Washington Redskins scored the best overnight ratings for any opener—on a Sunday or Monday—in 13 years.
- Related Tags:
- carey mulligan, football, glee, hawaii five 0, hawaii five o, hawaii five-0, hawaii five-o, hawaii five0, hawaii fiveo, hbo, law & order la, law & order los angeles, law & order: la, law & order: los angeles, law and order la, law and order los angeles, law and order: la, law and order: los angeles, nbc, nfl, ratings, sunday night football, tivo, tv talk
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