Friday October 12, 2007 11:09 am
The Office: ‘Launch Party’
The Office has still got it – that much is certain. And while I do feel there is something off about this season, I still can’t put my finger on it, and it’s not enough to disrupt my enjoyment of the NBC comedy. The past two weeks, we saw a lot of interesting developments by way of relationships. As fans are aware, Jim and Pam are very much in love, Ryan and Kelly were over when Ryan got promoted and Dwight and Angela are in the midst of a very catty breakup. Oh, I went there. Yet another hour-long episode kicked off with Michael announcing to the staff that the Dunder Mifflin Infinite website was launching within the next 24 hours. In celebration, there would be a D.M. corporate party in New York City, which Michael had been invited to. All other branches would celebrate via webcam satellite parties which could be viewed by those at the New York gala.
More Office recap after the jump – find out who the two new potential couples are.
In response to the website launch, Dwight decides to wage a sales war against the computer, stating that he could outsell the website by the end of the day. Andy teamed up with Dwight to keep tally of the sales. In the meantime, Angela’s continuously icy disposition irks Phyllis during the satellite party planning and she decides to use techniques she found online to help ease the tension. Ultimately, it doesn’t work and Mrs. Bob Vance ends up throwing a handful of post-its into Angela’s face.
Speaking of Angela, she and Dwight are nowhere near reconciled – in fact, things look to be getting worse as Angela not only continues to insist they are over, but asks Pam to help find her a man “to have a relationship with.” Although depressed, Dwight is preoccupied with his war against the computer. The war is made even worse when Jim and Pam pose as “the computer” via Instant Messages to Dwight’s computer. Andy smells blood in the form of the newly single Angela and moves in for the kill. Angela was, however, busy with party planning and wanted nothing to do with him.
In Dwight’s competitive rage, he tried to stop warehouse Daryl from delivering paper to Kelly, who had ordered it online. Daryl came to Kelly’s rescue, and then slyly asked her if she still missed Ryan. She said, “not so much anymore.” Ooh-la-la. As party plans started to take shape, Michael and Jim set off for the party in New York (Jan refused to go). Halfway there, Michael realizes that the invitation was to his own party via the webcam chat room. Michael angrily calls Ryan who, of course, refuses to let him come to the party. Defeated, Jim and Michael head back to the office.
When they arrive, Michael orders Angela to make a better party that will rival the one in New York. Michael offers to order pizza but rather than ordering from everyone’s favorite, Alfredo Café, he orders from just plain old Alfredo. Angela’s party planning is not going well and so Andy decides to help, stealing an ice sculpture from an undisclosed location. The attempt at winning Angela’s affection seems to work at first but she later blows off his advances.
When Michael’s pizzas arrive, the delivery boy informs him of the $63 price tag, pointing out that the total is without tip. When Michael produces a half-off coupon, the delivery boy tells him that the coupon is good for up to two pizzas only. Michael refuses to pay the full amount stating that the stipulation is not on the coupon. Subsequently, Michael locks the delivery boy in the conference room with the party guests and gives stern lecture about doing bad business. Meanwhile, Ryan is switching from branch to branch live from New York so that each Regional Manager can introduce himself. Instead of introducing himself, Michael tells Ryan to go screw himself and leaves. Kelly smears pizza on the TV screen.
The delivery boy calls out for help over the webcam and Ryan calls to inquire about it. Michael hangs up on Ryan and then realizes that he has made a huge, potentially jail-sentence-earning mistake and prompts Dwight to pay for the pizza. The delivery boy leaves the party without saying a word – but does give Michael the finger. Pam and Jim take the since-ordered good Alfredo’s pizza and head to the roof where they discuss when they knew they liked each other. Touching, but uneventful.
In a last ditch effort to get Angela to notice him, Andy turns on the speaker phones at Oscar and Kevin’s desks. On the other ends are two members of Andy’s acapela group. A surprised Angela is then serenaded with a stirring rendition of “Take A Chance On Me.” Actually, it wasn’t half bad, and a really interesting turn for the Andy character. But I digress. Angela was clearly impressed, but upon noticing that the rest of the office had gather to scoff, she sets off for the conference room to clean up. The End.
Oh yeah, and Meredith is back. Did you care?
- Related Tags:
- dunder mifflin, launch party, nbc, steve carell, the office
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