On Gear Live: Circuit Breaker: The Tech Newsletter that Elevates Your Gadget Game

Thursday March 3, 2011 12:33 am

Survivor: Russell Eliminated, Redemption to Follow?

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Prime Time, Reality, CBS, Survivor, Gossip, Video,

Reality vet Russell Hanz has just tasted the sting of elimination for the first time... and, it’s kinda sweet. The three-time Survivor cast member alienated most of his tribe (Zapetera) early in the Survivor: Redemption Island competition, and for once he didn’t manage to escape a heated tribal council on Wednesday night.

After winning two challenges in a row, the six-strong alliance (which includes current immunity idol holder Ralph) in the Zapetera tribe decided to throw the joint reward/immunity challenge. Led by Rob Mariano, the competing Ometepe tribe marched quickly to victory.

And Russell was left to his own crafty devices. He and his alliance (which in addition to Russell includes Stephanie and Krista) managed to make the others believe that they hold the immunity idol, forcing the group of 6 to split their votes (3 for Russell, 3 for Stephanie).

Russell attempted to win Julie to his side, tempting her with promises of longevity in the game, but in the end she stuck with her alliance to force a three-way tie. After votes were read for Ralph, Russell and Stephanie, the rest of the group largely voted to send Russell off to Redemption Island.

He may be back, and if he does he’ll be burning for revenge. In a new twist, competitors have the chance to fight for survival after being exiled on Redemption Island. Early in the episode, recently-ousted Ometepe member Matt managed to defeat his former tribe mate Francesca to stay in the game.

Next week, he’ll have to engage in a duel with Russell to maintain his shot at Redemption.



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