Tuesday May 27, 2008 12:01 pm
Square Pegs: Before Sarah Jessica Parker Became Carrie Bradshaw
If you are one those who only knew Sarah Jessica Parker existed post-SATC, you are in for real treat. Surprisingly, the fashionista wasn’t always as glamorous as she is now.
As a tie-in to this weekend’s Sex and the City premiere, Sony has released the complete set of Square Pegs episodes on DVD. In the short-lived 1982 CBS series, Patty Greene (Parker) and her friend Lauren Hutchinson (Amy Linker) play two awkward teens who try to fit at their high school. With help from the above minisode, you can familiarize - or remind - yourself of the comedy’s fabulous 80s-ness.
- Related Tags:
- amy linker, cbs, comedy, dvd, minisode, sarah jessica parker, square pegs
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