Saturday June 6, 2009 4:09 pm
Speidi’s Celebrity Status Still Unknown
Thursday’s I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out Here would give viewers their first taste of elimination. One celebrity would be pushed off the show, as determined by your vote. Which one is the least fave to the show’s fans? We would soon find out.
Angela, Frances, Janice and Torrie are subject to the results of the vote. Like American Idol, Celebrity voters decide who they want to keep. We don’t get to decide whether or not we want to keep Speidi, who has now tried to leave the show three times. That decision is up to the celebs still remaining on the show. They were deliberating the subject when the Wednesday episode wrapped.
This conversation continued at the top of the Thursday episode. “I would leave if they came back,” Angela threw her cards on the table. “There are actions, and there are consequences,” Lou Diamond Phillips said to the camera, suggesting that perhaps the spoiled Pratts have had few occasions to realize this reality.
New cast member Daniel Baldwin started making his presence known right away, looking for tasks to do and chores to complete. The other celebs seemed to embrace his presence right away. Two celebs had to be chosen for the next food trial. John Salley and Daniel Baldwin were selected for the challenge, though they knew very little about what they would be doing. The women chose Torrie Wilson and Patti Blagojevich to represent them for the food trial.
A beautiful selection of vegetables would go to the winning team. Thus far, the women have yet to win a single food challenge. Thursday’s intense event presented an obstacle course, where the competitors had to retrieve puzzle pieces which were stacked on the other side of a water-filled mud hole.
John Salley and Torrie Wilson would square off first. Daniel and Patti splashed into the mud-filled pool second, Baldwin moving with incredible speed. After lugging water-logged puzzle pieces through the water, each team scrambled to assemble their cubes. Again, the men carried the day and the challenge. Thus far, the ladies have failed to win a single food trial. It will be rice and beans for them again back at the camp.
Campers started to notice some of their items missing at this point in the show. Angela’s shower bag was gone, but soon enough she discovered her own belongings amongst Janice Dickinson’s things. “She’ll just take whatever,” Stephen Baldwin observed. Torrie Wilson is missing everything from a towel to her own underwear (gross!), John Salley found his pillow under the model’s head, even something of Sanjaya’s got snatched. Patti explained to Salley that she’s a bit like “crazy old aunt Janice,” and all you can really do is roll your eyes at her and move on.
Emotions were running high as the threat of elimination loomed; there was still no word of Spencer and Heidi Pratt, who were supposed to have been proving themselves by spending a night in a rat-infested jungle chamber.
It was soon time to reveal the results of the elimination vote. Janice was the first to be pronounced safe. “Oh, man, I thought for sure it was gonna be me,” she breathed in relief, then very oddly thanked the “gay nation” for her victory. Torrie was then told she might be going home. Frances was also pronounced safe, which put Angela in the hot seat.
Near the end of the episode, the subject of Speidi was raised again. “I wouldn’t do it,” Lou Diamond Phillips made his feelings plain. “I think he’s gonna redeem himself,” Stephen Baldwin said of Spencer Pratt. “I don’t have a problem with it. Because it doesn’t make any difference, I’m going to win anyway,” John Salley said to the cameras.
Inside their chamber of torments, Heidi Montag Pratt prayed for strength from God. The results of this little event will be revealed on the Monday broadcast of the show.
The other campers enjoyed their last meal as a group. As such, they decided to eat three days’ worth of rations. No one wanted to see someone go, as they all feel close to each other by virtue of their jungle experiences. “I think we like each other,” Patti observed of the group.
Finally, it was time to reveal who would be leaving. Torrie and Angela waited anxiously. Cries of “no” were sounded from Dickinson when Angela’s name was announced. Now, the Frangela team is down to just Frances.
The next food trial - to be aired Monday - will contain a water tank that would make any magician proud. America gets to decide which man and which woman will compete in the event. We’ll also find out more regarding Speidi’s status on the show at this time. Sick of their stunts yet…or are you still craving more?
(You can find all the I’m a Celebrity posts here.)
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- daniel baldwin, frangela, get me out of here, heidi and spencer, heidi montag, i'm a celebrity, i'm a celebrity...get me out of here, im a celebrity get me out of here, janice dickinson, john salley, lou diamond phillips, nbc, patti blagojevich, reality, sanjaya malakar, speidi, spencer pratt, stephen baldwin, torrie wilson
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