On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Monday June 15, 2009 5:30 pm

Speidi’s Back in LA

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Daytime, Reality, Talk Shows, NBC, Gossip, Video,

captured video of Heidi and Spencer Pratt arriving in LA after their stint in Costa Rica. The couple were part of the cast of I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here, a show they left several times before they finally chose to leave for good.

Now that they’re back to their lavish lifestyles, Speidi is singing a different tune. They no longer seem angry at NBC and they are denying that they ever cried “torture” against the network in the first place. “I love NBC. I was never suing NBC,” Spencer told that paps as he made his way through the airport. “I guess since you sign a waiver…it’s not called torture.” Or some smart lawyer patiently explained to the newlyweds that they absolutely don’t have a case against the show.

The pair further soaked up the spotlight by appearing on , where they were questioned by Al Roker. He valiantly tried to get real answers out of the couple before finally putting an end to the entire Q and A (view the video above).

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According to TMZ, Heidi Montag Pratt had much more to say once the interview was over. “I was shocked at how rude he was. I was crying afterwards,” she reportedly said. “I wanted to say to him, do you feel proud of how you’re talking to me right now? I’m just a young woman and you’re coming at me so aggressively.” She called the entire interview an “uncomfortable and awful experience.”

Someone please explain to the “most famous couple in the world” that interviews like this are only the tip of the celebrity iceberg.

Roker Twittered his response, saying later that “Heidi & Spencer are young and eventually will realize there is more to life than fame.” One hopes.

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