Wednesday March 12, 2008 11:53 am
Saturday Night Live Replaces Janet Jackson with Mariah Carey
Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Comedy, Late Night, Music, NBC, Saturday Night Live, News,
An untimely illness has forced Janet Jackson to cancel an upcoming appearance on this weekend’s Saturday Night Live. (It was reported that the singer made a trip to the emergency room earlier this week due to a case of the flu.)
Luckily for Lorne Michaels, the show was able to able to book someone with an equally high profile: Mariah Carey.
The gig is actually a win-win situation for the two parties. Not only does the diva have an upcoming album to promote (E=MC2 comes out on April 15), the program has been trying to get the artist back on their stage for over 10 years.
- Related Tags:
- booking, cancel, cancelled, diva, e=mc2, janet jackson, late night, mariah carey, nbc, promote, saturday night live, singer, snl
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