On Gear Live: Circuit Breaker: The Tech Newsletter that Elevates Your Gadget Game

Monday March 1, 2010 12:25 pm

Roger Ebert to Sit Down with Oprah Winfrey

Roger Ebert and Oprah Winfrey

Although his widely-read reviews are still accessible online and in print, there is one thing longtime fans of have had to do without. Now, thanks to the aid of Scottish technology, movie lovers will once again be able to hear the famous critic speak again - with his own voice.

On tomorrow’s episode of Oprah, Roger will sit down with his old friend for his first interview since leaving the air in 2006. Ebert, who was first diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer in 2002, has been unable to speak since the illness took part of his jawbone and forced him to go silent.

Read More | Roger Ebert

But a program developed by CereProc in Scotland has since enabled Ebert to incorporate audio commentaries previously recorded to be used with his text-to-aid software. The software allows Roger to “speak” and inject a range of emotions.

“That show will air on Tuesday, so you can hear for yourself. Yes, ‘Roger Jr.’ needs to be smoother in tone and steadier in pacing, but the little rascal is good,” Ebert wrote on his website. “To hear him coming from my own computer made me ridiculously happy.”



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