On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Wednesday May 26, 2010 1:36 pm

Preview S**t My Dad Says Series

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Comedy, Prime Time, CBS, Video,

Since most of our shows have ended for the season (or simply for good), it’s time to start taking a look at what is heading our way this fall.

If you have a Twitter account, chances are you’re already one of the 1.3 million followers of the “S**t My Dad Says” feed (yes, I know that’s not actually how it’s spelled). If so, you’re probably been asking the same thing I have: “How the heck is CBS going to turn this into a television series?”

Well - now we (kinda) know.

Read More | The Futon Critic

While it might be a little too early to properly critique the program (Cougar Town‘s Ryan Devlin, who plays Henry in the pilot, is being recast), my gut reaction says the show simply doesn’t work.

Granted, adaptations are always hard to swallow—but the quotes posted on S**t My Dad Says are a thousand times funnier on your computer monitor than they come across on the TV screen (even with William Shatner in the lead role). And if you didn’t know what this series was based on, wouldn’t (that’s the network’s spelling) look just like any other family comedy out there?

Again, that’s just my snap judgment. What do you think? Do you think the show is worth making room on your DVR? Or would you rather just enjoy the humor on Twitter?

(FYI - You can also follow TV Envy on Twitter.)



They’re keeping the title like that?

I agree with you about the Twitter being funnier!

It doesn’t help that the younger son can’t act, either.

Uh, yeah. They are actually spelling it “$#*! My Dad Says” and PRONOUNCING it “Bleep My Dad Says.” Stupid.


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