Saturday October 10, 2009 5:12 pm
Preview DJ AM’s Documentary Series
“I promise you, there is hope.”
In Gone Too Far, a documentary series premiering next week, Adam Goldstein speaks those words to a struggling addict. The eight-part program, which had been in limbo since the deejay’s Aug. 28th death, was recently given the go-ahead after approval from DJ AM’s loved ones.
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Through a statement, his family said:
“After careful consideration we have decided to air the show. Adam felt strongly that by doing this series, he could help other addicts who were at a crisis point to get sober. Adam was fully aware that if it were not for his own sobriety, he never would have achieved the level of success and happiness he had found. Helping people in their recovery was a huge part of Adam’s life. It is our hope through airing this show that people will get to see the side of Adam that we knew and loved, not just the celebrity DJ, but the honest and caring person who gave so much of himself to help others.
Although it has since been determined that Goldstein died of an an accidental overdose, his family hopes the program will be inspirational, rather than exploitative:
“The decision to air the show has been difficult, but we do this with the profound belief that it will inspire others to seek help.”
Gone Too Far will begin airing this Monday @ 10:00 on MTV.
- Related Tags:
- adam goldstein, addictions, addicts, dj, documentary series, gone too far, mtv, reality specials
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