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Tuesday February 26, 2008 4:18 pm

Ousted American Idols Speak Out

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They came, they sang, they got kicked out. It’s never easy to be eliminated from , but being sent home the very first week is the absolute worst. At least, for these early eliminations, the ousted contestants have some company. Recently, the the stage shared their thoughts on being booted from the show.

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Amy DavisDuring her exit interview, candidly admitted her performance wasn’t “up to par” with others on the show. She wants to remain involved with music, but said she’d like to explore the world of modeling more. Davis is now apparently at home - and blogging on her MySpace page.  In her latest post, she thanked fans for their support, apologized for not performing better, and then went into one of the most complex explanations I’ve ever had the misfortune of reading. Since the only place I sing is in the car, I’ve no idea what she’s talking about, but perhaps the musically-minded can dig her (paraphrased) explanation: Amy is used to using in-ear monitors, training her brain to hear her voice “blasting” in her ear. However, Idol uses floor monitors. This meant having to re-train her brain, and she just couldn’t do it. Davis was quick to add this is not an excuse, but an explanation. Yet, I find myself completely dumbfounded by her attempts to clear it up. And frankly, I’m already bored.

Colton Berry also gave an exit interview, saying he was “shocked” by his elimination and he “wasn’t prepared for it at all.” Colton, really? You really didn’t have the faintest idea you might get eliminated when Simon Cowell told the world he didn’t want you, didn’t like you, and didn’t think you were a recording artist in any way? It’s fully possible you could have survived even this criticism - but once again, there’s the problem of your hair. Berry went on to say he will continue to pursue music and that one of his dreams is to be on Broadway (the other, to be on American Idol). Colton also said that there’s “nothing bigger” than Idol, and that if you make it on the show, “you’ve made it.” Honey, tell that to .

Joanne Borgella, the one elimination so far that’s upset me, remained very serene during her interview. She said firmly that her elimination won’t be the end, that she’ll go on to do more with her life and career. Joanne also said she hopes America will get the chance to know her a lot better. She’ll continue modeling in the interim, and hopes to put out an album of her own one day.

Garrett Haley was full-on Culture Club/80’s fashion for his exit interview - even down to the odd black hat and matching vest. You know who this guy is? This guy is Duckie - Jon Cryer, Pretty in Pink Duckie - without the lighthearted fun and lovability. Haley also said he was surprised by his elimination (I wasn’t), but that he’s gained a lot from the experience and has no regrets. Humbly, Garrett said he was honored and happy to be a part of the show. He also mentioned he’s sort of glad to be heading back home to his “wonderful family” and then - peel me off the floor - he said he’s anxious to see his girlfriend again. Girlfriend?! You’re flipping kidding me, man. I’ve got five bucks that says she looks like Molly Ringwald - any takers?

The truth is, the four eliminated contestants of American Idol are quickly becoming last week’s news. The Tuesday and Wednesday stage performances are quickly approaching, and soon four more contestants will walk the long road home from Hollywood.


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