Thursday August 14, 2008 11:20 pm
NBC Lines Up Another Celeb-Reality Show
Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Comedy, Drama, Prime Time, Reality, NBC, Announcements, News, Rumors,
Because we can apparently never have enough celebrity reality shows, NBC is currently developing yet another one.
Realizing that perhaps the very out there circus atmosphere was not their forté, producers have opted to focus on resorting to what they do best: partying!
Well, okay, maybe not the Paris Hilton kind of party, but the more formal kind. A typical episode for Celebrity Come Dine With Me will feature one celebrity who hosts a dinner party for his or her famous friends. At the end of the night, the party will be judged on presentation, food, and entertainment value.
Sounds kind of lame to you, too, right? I mean, I love watching celebrities, but watching them eat and be entertained doesn’t interest me all too much. I say that knowing that the show has found “success” in 16 other countries.
The Hollywood Reporter
Apparently in the UK, too! Fancy that, eh? In these versions, however, having celebrities featured has been merely experimented with and never quite implemented. Leave it to us Americans to foil a good European reality show.
Like many of its predecessors, Celebrity Come Dine With Me has not been given the greenlight until studio execs see a good enough celebrity lineup. You can expect to see the show this December on NBC.
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- celeb reality, celeb-reality, celebreality, celebrities, celebrity, celebrity appearances, celebrity circus, celebrity come dine with me, celebrity edition, celebrity gossip, celebrity news, celebrity reality, celebrity rumors, celebrity-edition, celebs, european, formal, formal dinner party, greenlight, host, hosts, nbc, paris hilton, party, partying, producers, reality, reality competition, reality news, reality pilots, reality series, reality show, reality shows, reality stars, reality television, reality tv, reality tv competition, uk, united kingdom
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