Wednesday November 19, 2008 12:02 am
Miley Cyrus Wants to Do More TV
Here’s a big surprise: teen superstar Miley Cyrus would like to spend even more time in front of the cameras. The Disney sensation was promoting her work in Bolt when she stopped to chat with E! News about her own career desires.
“I would want to do a reality show like ‘The Real World’ because I think that’s crazy,” she told reporters. “Anyone who would do that has some serious guts.” Or issues with exhibitionism.
“I just want to be in a really nice house, with cameras following me around,” she elaborated. I actually kind of thought her life was already like that - cameras and all. We’ve certainly seen enough pictures of her in somewhat private situations. “I can just sit there, eat Cheetos, read my book, hang out all day.”
So, if Cyrus was doing a reality show, we’d all get to watch her eat junk food, read and sit around. This would absolutely tank…with any other star but her. I actually believe people would watch this gladly, and I’m quite sure someone is pitching the idea to MTV even at this moment.
Referring to her life, Cyrus said, “It’s like a free reality show, I just don’t get paid for it.” Don’t worry, fans, Cyrus actually gets paid prettily by Disney for her work. “They’re always there,” she complained of the paparazzi.
Sure, I get it. Sometimes it’s uncomfortable to have the photogs taking shots. Why not just install cameras and sound equipment in one’s home instead?
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i am also a big fan of miley .
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