On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Monday June 22, 2009 6:20 pm

Lindsay Lohan on Reality TV?

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Reality, Gossip, Rumors,

Lindsay LohanAccording to TMZ, former movie star may be setting her sights on reality TV…with a little help from industry mogul Ryan Seacrest. The American Idol host has turned reality TV into a personal empire, and now it seems he would welcome Lohan into the successful fold.

Seacrest twittered recently that he “Met with lindsay last night about a show idea I have for her..it helps people and gives others a second shot! Still putting it all together.” Lindsay also offered up a message, which begins with “Working on a really great project for television- I am excited!” Rumor says that money, the figure $1 million has been tossed around, will be offered to help these people affect a change.

So, here’s the million-dollar question: which network will be brave enough to take on a Lohan-centric project? None of the movie studios seem willing to do it, and everybody answers to somebody…so we’ll see.

(FYI - You can also follow TV Envy on Twitter.)

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