Tuesday February 5, 2008 3:48 pm
Late Night War Ends in Violence
Well after American Gladiators finished for the evening, when most people were thinking about getting to bed, the battle of the late night hosts began to heat up…again. Let’s re-cap.
Comedy Central host Stephen Colbert took exception to NBC host Conan O’Brien’s claim that O’Brien “made” Presidential contender Mike Huckabee. Conan responded on his show that he, O’Brien, actually made Colbert. Daily Show host Jon Stewart offered video evidence that in fact Stewart made O’Brien. Thus, the world was put to rights again.
Until a certain redhead (O’Brien) presented a photo depicting himself delivering both Colbert and Stewart, thus proving that he in fact made them both - and by extension, Huckabee. For those who missed it, this battle all came to head last night. Conan threatened to “kick some Comedy Central ass” and so, Stewart and Colbert showed up to give him exactly this opportunity. (You can see the video clip, after the jump.)
Late Night With Conan O’Brien
After a pretty funny sequence involving a Louisville Slugger, a recycling bin, a Conan stand-in and various choreographed punches and kicks, the three men stood in their suits and panted in the behind-the-scenes area of NBC studios. Mike Huckabee, also known as the bone of contention for late night hosts who can’t think of anything at all better to do on their shows, then came on the air with a message of his own.
“This great nation made me,” Huckabee said, smiling and ending his short speech with a plea for votes. This nation would be America. But, as we all know, Colbert’s book is called “I Am America (And So Can You.” So, finally, Huckabee has settled it once and for all - Colbert…er, America, made him.
It’s all Colbert, all the time. If this were a fight between Stewart and O’Brien alone, it wouldn’t even be interesting.
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