On Gear Live: Circuit Breaker: The Tech Newsletter that Elevates Your Gadget Game

Wednesday December 12, 2007 2:19 pm

Keeping Up With the Presidential Hopefuls

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Specials, Cable, News,

Presidential DebateGet your DVR ready, set up the Tivo, or pop a tape into that antiquated VCR – because if you don’t, you’re probably going to miss the next round of . The writers’ strike has changed everything about TV, and the democratic process is no exception. The Democratic debate scheduled for December 10 was canceled because the three front runners in that party (Clinton, Obama, Edwards) would not cross picket lines. But never fear, there’s one scheduled for December 13 that will go on as planned. On the Republican side, the debate takes place on December 12. But odd time slots mean you’re probably going to miss every bit of these two-hour arguments.

The December 12 debate (Republicans) and the December 13 debate (Democrats) will both air on the Fox News Channel (a partisan cable channel if ever there was one) at 2 pm. 2 pm? Yes, in the middle of the day (hence, the need for recording devices). The Democratic debates scheduled for December 17 and January 6 have been canceled, but these Presidential hopefuls will bump heads again on January 5, 21 and 31 (New Year’s Eve – what a great addition to any party). Meanwhile, the Republican hopefuls (including ) will argue their sides on January 5,6, 10 and 30.

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The Pre-Primary Period

Okay, I know you’re not watching a lot of the debates. I even know why you’re not watching. Yes, they often repeat themselves. Yes, some of the questions that are asked (“Yankees or Mets?”) are more than ridiculous. But yes, it’s your patriotic duty not to go and blindly vote but to make an effort to know whom you’re voting for. What better way to make the right choice in the 2008 election than to know exactly who you’re dealing with? Don’t let the ever-changing debate schedule or the odd times deter you – no matter what, we’ve got to pick one of them. We might as well take the time to determine which one might do the best job.


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