Friday February 29, 2008 5:27 pm
Idol Gives Back Celebrity Guests Announced
American Idol will continue it’s self-serving humanitarian efforts with another star-studded Idol Gives Back event this year. I gotta tell you, I watched every minute of the charitable broadcast last year and the only thing I was impressed with was Jack Black. During the Thursday elimination show, Ryan Seacrest started to rattle off the big names which will be associated with the big event this year.
As the crowd screamed and Seacrest cheekily grinned, he spit out attention-grabbing names like Brad Pitt, Miley Cyrus, Reese Witherspoon, Mariah Carey, Carrie Underwood and Chris Daughtry. He slipped Snoop Dogg in there, too, and that’s when I started screaming. Love the Dogg. Love him. Now, I have a reason to watch the event. Thanks, Snoop.
Believe me, the list of names will only get longer and longer as the Idol Gives Back date of April 9 draws near. They’ll over-promote it the point that we’ll all get sick, and then they’ll do the show and suck a good two hours of TV time out of it. It sounds tedious, I know…but don’t forget, Snoop will be there. He brings a certain cool cachet Idol couldn’t hope to achieve otherwise. Way to luck out, FOX.
American Idol
- Related Tags:
- american idol, brad pitt, carrie underwood, charity, chris daughtry, fox, idol gives back, miley cyrus, music, reality, ryan seacrest, singing, snoop dogg, specials
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