Saturday September 8, 2007 3:31 am
HBO’s Tell Me You Love Me: In Love With Controversy?
With HBO’s gritty new drama, Tell Me You Love Me, the dramatic message is supposed to be about feeling. But the new series is telling me something different – HBO isn’t trying to create good drama…it’s a cable network trying to create good hype. In this business, hype is generally all you need. The series is scheduled to premiere Sunday at 9 pm ET, and early reports expound on the graphic sex scenes that strongly pepper the first episode. The show is really about relationships (isn’t everything) and relies on character interaction of all sorts – not just sexual action. Viewers will delve deeply into the lives of 20-something chef Jamie (played by Michelle Borth), who is engaged to Hugo (a very likely-sounding name attached to the character portrayed by Luke Kirby). Carolyn, a lawyer in his mid-30s that’s played by Sonya Walger, and her real-estate investor husband Palek (Adam Scott) will struggle with keeping their marriage alive as they (unsuccessfully) continue to attempt pregnancy. Ally Walker plays 40-something stay-at-home mom Katie, who no longer has sex with her husband Dave (Tim DeKay). These relationships revolve around the offices of Dr. May Foster (Jane Alexander), a couples therapist in her 60s who still enjoys great sex. (Here’s hoping HBO doesn’t get too showy with those scenes, right?) Despite the sort of boring plot (a therapist’s office…how original for HBO) and obvious attempt to target several demographics at once, some critics are lavishing early praise on the ambitious HBO drama.
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