On Gear Live: Apple’s $400,000,000 Secret to Saving the Planet

Friday April 18, 2008 5:45 pm

Gossip Girl Won’t Go to the Web

Gossip Girl

Fans beware.  If you want to get your fix, you better plan ahead.  In hopes of creating more buzz for its popular freshman show, CW is going to make the drama’s five remaining episodes less available to the public.

Although the show has generated strong word of mouth during its debut season, network execs are still concerned about the cult hit’s bottom line.  Yes - people are watching…but it’s how they’re watching that really matters.  While streamlined videos allow Johnny-come-latelys to get caught up, that service detracts from the program’s daily numbers.

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Hollywood Reporter

In hopes of consolidating its viewership, the will no longer post new episodes of the series on its own site.  (The show will still be available for purchase on iTunes though.)  So if you need your gossip in a timely fashion - and you want it for free -  make sure to set your clocks (or DVRs) for Mondays @ 8pm starting next week.  (NOTE:  This is a new day and time.)



Thanks oh!
I can take a look and have an enjoy!


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