On Gear Live: Circuit Breaker: The Tech Newsletter that Elevates Your Gadget Game

Monday June 22, 2009 5:39 pm

Could it Be? Speidi Flying to Costa Rica

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories:

After publicly bashing NBC and expressing relief to be free from their commitment to , Speidi might actually be going back! Oh no, not the Pratts…again.

Read More | TMZ

Pratt started the show thinking they would film a few scenes in the jungle and return to their hotel - a very telling indicator of their previous “reality TV” experiences (they’re from MTV’s The Hills). When they discovered they were actually expected to live in the jungle, the Pratts bolted from Costa Rica - twice. They were let back in and left almost immediately thereafter, as both undertook a “spiritual fast” that compromised their health in the harsh conditions.

They pair subsequently did a media tour and on the Today show…and now, they’re on a plane headed right back to the jungle. Why? No one knows, but it could be an indication that the couple is trying to re-join the show yet again.

(You can find all the I’m a Celebrity posts here.)


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