Friday October 1, 2010 5:20 pm
LISTEN: CNN’s Rick Sanchez Calls Jon Stewart a Bigot, Gets Fired
Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Late Night, Talk Shows, Cable, Daily Show, The, Gossip, News,
UPDATE: You can see Stewart’s response here.
One day after calling Daily Show host Jon Stewart “a bigot” on a radio program, CNN’s Rick Sanchez received some (not so) surprising words of his own: “You’re fired.”
The Cuban-American anchor, who has been the subject of Stewart’s jokes before, made that accusation about the Comedy Central personality while speaking on SiriusXM’s Stand Up! With Peter Dominick yesterday morning.
So which group(s) does Rick think Jon is bigoted against? “Anybody who’s different than you are, anybody who’s not form your frame of reference; anybody who doesn’t look and sound exactly like the people that you sound [like] and grew up with. The people that you put on your show, who always reflects somebody who’s, ‘I’m bringing in to sit around me,’ you know, who’s very different from me. I’m sorry, but I just don’t buy this thing that the only people out there who are prejudiced … are the right. There’s people that are prejudiced on both sides.”
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His comments weren’t limited to Stewart, however – the Colbert Report host got his own share of the criticism. “And I look at stuff that [Stephen] Colbert and Jon Stewart do, and I think, ‘Wow, that’s very prejudicial,’” Sanchez added.
Making matters worse? Rick even made derogatory statements … about his own bosses.
When it was pointed out that Jon was Jewish, Sanchez blew off the comparison. “Very powerless people,” he said. “He’s such a minority, I mean, you know… Please, what are you kidding? … I’m telling you that everybody who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart, and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart, and to imply that somehow they—the people in this country who are Jewish—are an oppressed minority? Yeah.”
Needless to say, those comments prompted swift action by CNN. “Rick Sanchez is no longer with the company,” the cable channel announced today. “We thank Rick for his years of service and we wish him well.”
CNN Newsroom will air from 3-5 p.m. for the time being.
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Good! I hate this guy!