On Gear Live: Apple’s HUGE Siri Apple Intelligence Fumble w/ John Gruber - Geared Up 205

Tuesday November 13, 2007 8:16 pm

Beauty And The Geek: ‘Raising The Bar’

Bugs and bartenders on B & the GLast week, we saw the booting of, arguably, Beauty and the Geek’s strongest team - John and Natalie. Tonight, the beauties were challenged by creepies and crawlies, while the geeks got cocktail fever. The geeks were told that they would be participating in a trick bartending competition - i.e. Tom Cruise in Cocktail, flipping bottles and pouring drinks. A bartending expert gave the geeks a demonstration of what they would have to do to win their challenge. Meanwhile, the beauties were only told to study their zoology books in preparation for their challenge, which would remain a secret until the next day.

Join me after the jump to see which geek finally makes his move on another geek, which beauties were brought to tears and who gets sent home.

When Shay, Jasmine, Jenn and Sam arrived at a cave the next day for their challenge, they had no idea what they were in for. Host Mike Richards then revealed tanks of seven different kinds of gross looking creatures - snakes, slugs, spiders, toads, scorpions, centipedes and more. The beauties had to pick up one of each item and transfer it by hand to a tank far out of the cave, marked with the Latin name of that creature. They had a few minutes to do so, and the beauty with the most crawlies transferred to the correct Latin-labeled tank wins.

Sam rocked the transfer part, finishing the moving of his creatures rather quickly. Shay was right behind him, Jenn came in next and Jasmine (who is terrified of bugs) struggled big time. In fact, Jasmine was crying at the thought of touching the tarantula, but she still tried. In the end, she was able to move a couple creatures, but got absolutely none right. Shay moved all seven, but only got one right. Jenn moved a few and got one right as well. Once again, the powerhouse Sam got five out of seven right. Sam wins and guarantees his team a spot in the final three.

It should also be noted that the only reason Jenn got one right is that she let her snake pick which of the tanks it wanted to crawl in. It picked the right one. The snake was indeed smarter than Jenn. After the challenge, Dave helped Jasmine make brownies to cheer her up. It’s really awesome to see how far Dave has come, considering that on paper, a LARPer should be one of the biggest geeks of all - which he is. He and Jasmine are adorable together.

As the geeks prepared for their bartending challenge, Jenn tried to get Will to change his shirt. Will, of course, gave Jenn a hard time rather than take her suggestions. Shay gave Josh a little fake tan and Jasmine was impressed with Dave’s “flare.” Will was really, really impressed with his own bartending skills (and not modestly so) which rubbed the others the wrong way. Dave questioned his decision last week to keep Will and Jenn.

In the challenge, Josh’s Pina Coloda was … well, a disaster - but he had fun doing it and covered himself in milk. Nicole’s bartending skills were kind of lame, just doing a lot of spinning of bottles … glasses … and everything else around her head. Will was the most daring of the geeks, but almost killed the beauties, who were playing the part of the bar patrons, with a rogue bottle. Dave’s performance was absolutely hilarious as he discussed the nutritional value of orange juice and gave himself a face full of cranberry juice. He was definitely the most entertaining.

Will and Dave were the top choices by the bartending expert but it was Dave who ended up winning the challenge. Dave’s response? - “It feels damn good.” Will very slyly insulted Dave in front of everyone by saying that if he had been a little goofier he would have won the challenge. Shay & Josh and Will & Jenn will face off in the elimination room. Shay had a tearful confessional moment when discussing how she feels for Josh. Meanwhile, Jenn and Will discuss their dislike for each other, but also admit that they wouldn’t ignore one another if one saw the other getting beat up on the street.

Questions in this elimination room session would be about zoology and mixology. The beauties started and Jenn answered her first question correctly. Shay countered by answering her question right as well. Jenn got a ridiculously easy question while Shay got a difficult one - they both answered correctly. The match is tied as the geeks enter the room for the showdown. Will answered his question correctly - America cringes at the thought of him staying another week. Josh answers his drinking game question wrong. And finally, Will answers his last question correctly and he and Jenn defeat Josh and Shay.

It’s a shame to see Josh and Shay go. In the very first week of the show, Shay and Josh decided to be teammates because they were deemed the worst players in the game by a survey of sorts. Defying the odds, these two have lasted into the final four and were clearly one of the stronger teams. It becomes clear now that keeping Will and Jenn was a mistake - although keeping John and Natalie would have been even worse. We can only hope that Dave and the adorable Jasmine can pull off a strong finish to this “social experiment” and win the whole thing.

Speaking of Dave, looks like he finally makes his move on Nicole, the lady geek, next week. Can’t wait to see it, and I’ll see you back here - so stay tuned.



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