Monday May 7, 2012 12:11 am
Anna Kendrick Loves Game of Thrones, Creme Brulee
Anna Kendrick is '"obsessed" with Game of Thrones.
The What to Expect When You're Expecting actress loves to relax in front of the TV watching her favorite show - a fantasy adventure series - which she likes because she finds it "really romantic.
"I'm really obsessed with Game of Thrones. I find it really romantic. I love that it's epic historical fiction with a supernatural element," she said.
As well as watching TV, Anna also enjoys cooking and claims her creme brulee dessert is one of her best secrets because it is such an impressive dish: "My best kept-secret. It's so simple to make, yet people are always so impressed. Vanilla is underrated."
The Up in the Air beauty admitted her fear of crowds means she is unable to do some things she wants, such as seeing singer Azealia Banks perform live. "Azealia was recommended to me by a friend. If I was better at crowds, I'd love to see her live but I'll probably just be watching online."
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- anna kendrick, fans, game of thrones, interviews
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