Friday April 15, 2011 2:18 pm
American Idol: Top 8 Results
Mover than 53 million votes were recorded after American Idol’s Tuesday performance round, but one of the Top 8 failed to score a big enough share to survive the night.
Before any results were revealed, Scotty McCreery and Lauren Alaina again paired up to deliver a duet of “American Honey,” originally by Lady Antebellum. They sound wonderful together, and the number was perfect. They’ll be performing a lot of duets together over the summer, when they both go out on the Idol tour.
The week’s Ford music video followed, a rather fun combination of cars and zombies. Watch all this year’s music video at Albumista.
Haley Reinhart and Casey Abrams came together on stage to sing “Moanin.’” The number was just as jazzy and growl-y as you might expect from these two. It was more scatting than the law should allow. You’ll hear what we mean in the video above.
Ryan Seacrest asked the judges for feedback following the number, though Lauren and Scotty received none. Randy Jackson was blown away by the performance, crying “Haley, baby, that’s what’s up! That’s how you do it!”
“They sound like they been doing it all their lives,” J-Lo enthused.
“Thank you for whipping that out on us,” Steven Tyler was grateful.
Ryan brought both couples to the stage as soon as the judges were done waxing complimentary, lining up Casey Abrams, Haley Reinhart, Lauren Alaina and Scotty McCreery. The host quickly sent Scotty back to the safety, the suspected front-runner in the contest (he leads the group in Twitter followers). His duet partner Lauren joined him, leaving Casey and Haley standing on stage.
Haley was, once again, banished to the bottom three stools, while Casey went to join Scotty and Lauren in safety.
Director Rob Reiner spent some time with the Idols this week. He’s behind some of the greatest films of all time, including This is Spinal Tap and The Princess Bride. Reiner did a Q and A with the Top 8, offering to answer any questions -- whether he actually knows the answers or not. Reiner also cast Casey Abrams as “Seth Rogen’s younger, bass-playing brother.” We’d buy tickets for that movie.
Jason Aldean and Kelly Clarkson appeared on stage to sing “Don’t You Wanna Stay” in a beautiful duet. Watch their performance in the video above.
After the performance, Kelly Clarkson teased Ryan Seacrest for mis-quoting her tweets regarding this year’s competition, though she did confirm that she finds Casey Abrams “delicious.”
Jacob Lusk, Paul McDonald, Stefano Langone and James Durbin performed one of the greatest movie songs ever written, The Graduate’s “Sounds of Silence” by Simon and Garfunkle. It’s a fantastic song; it was a mediocre performance. The quartet was a bit more successful when they launched into “Mrs. Robinson,” a much peppier number.
All four of them faced Ryan Seacrest to hear their results after the performance was over. Lusk had tears in his eyes as the host re-capped the comments from the night before. James Durbin, who killed the preceding night’s performance, was the first to be sent to safety. Stefano Langone was the first to be sent to the bottom three with Haley. Paul McDonald joined him in the bottom three, leaving Lusk to walk back to safety.
Rihanna performed next, and she put on an impressive stage show filled with long fabric panels and smoke. Her voice soared as she belted "California King Bed” on the big stage.
Haley Reinhart was the first of the bottom three to be declared safe, breaking the curse of the female Idols. Paul and Stefano put their arms around each other’s shoulders to hear the rest of the results. Paul McDonald came to the end of his Idol run a moment later, and this in spite of the best efforts of Vote For the Worst.
“We’re bummed about this, man,” Ryan Seacrest declared. “You’re the life of the party!” His comments preceded Paul’s sad good-bye clip.
McDonald sang “Maggie May” at Jennifer Lopez's request to end the show. Paul delivered the number like a pro, and we’re sure there are plenty of Idol watchers who will miss him next week.
Now, 7 of them remain to fight it out. Keep track of all the gossip, spoilers and eliminations with our American Idol 10 posts.
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- contestants, elimination episode, eliminations, fox, j-lo, jason aldean, jennifer lopez, kelly clarkson, music, paul mcdonald, performance, randy jackson, reality, reality competition, reality television, reality tv, results, results show, rihanna, ryan seacrest, sdidefeatured, steven tyler, video, videos, votes, voting
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