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Saturday May 3, 2008 5:37 pm

American Idol: A Possible Paula Elmination?

Paula Abdul

Brooke White may have said her good-byes on Wednesday’s , but her elimination is still eclipsed by one that’s only been hinted at and suggested: the possible elimination of judge Paula Abdul.

Abdul’s Tuesday mix-up has already become the stuff of Idol legend (and a highly popular Internet video clip), the thing that will be talked about for many seasons to come. Many of the fans and public have been calling for ‘s head after she mistakenly critiqued Jason Castro’s second performance when he’d only sung a single song on the evening.

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Chicago Tribune

Paula Abdul

John Rich, of Big & Rich fame (and also the judge of Nashville Star) lit into Abdul at a recent NBC press event. “American Idol infuriates me as an artist,” he said of the nation’s number one show. “They’re being fake about it.” Of Abdul, Rich said “she wasn’t even paying attention to what was going on.” Do you not watch Idol? She never seems to be fully cognizant of what’s happening around her. Rich added that Nashville Star, which has not yet aired, will not be like Idol. That’s already a given - NBC can’t get the ratings FOX can. “I wouldn’t be on that show now if you gave me a $100 bill,” Rich said of the popular show. But let’s be real - they would offer way, way more than that. ...What about then?

So how did the mighty FOX American Idol PR machine handle these comments? “John Rich’s ungentlemanly and opportunistic comments are particularly disturbing considering the fact he attended a taping of American Idol last April, told producers, judges and performers he enjoyed himself and also did an interview with a crew from American Idol Extra where he was extremely complimentary toward the show.” Pow!

As for the Abdul scandal, dubbed Paulagate 2008 by the press, the show stands firm that the judge isn’t going anywhere. “Why would we get rid of Paula?” Was the statement given to the Associated Press by Cecile Frot-Courtaz (an executive producer of the show). “I love that everyone was talking about it,” it being Paula’s slip-up, “it was so unexpected.” Not to put too fine a point on it, lady, but it was a debacle.


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i will not watch idol without paula. if she was to go, i will quit watching that show right away . and who cares what the nashville guy thinks?? he is obviously just trying to get attention for himself by talking about Paula . PS: the “fans” who wanna get rid of Paula is just an angry minority. Paula has been on this show for 7 years and it has been nr 1 for 7 years. the numbers speak for themselves.

7 seasons at #1! i would say that is proof enough that the chemistry between the 3 judges is working. I love Paula and would not watch American idol without her


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