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Wednesday February 11, 2009 12:58 am

American Idol 8: Hollywood Week Continues

American Idol Judges in Hollywood

Seventy-two hopefuls crowded the Kodak Theater for their solo performances in front of the judges. For this all-important audition, the very last they’ll have on Idol, the singers were allowed to sing with the band, their own back-up singers and instruments of their own choosing. The show began with the judge deliberation, showing them scattering photos around their table. The day’s events were re-told, flashback style, for our amusement.

The solo singing started with , who has already completely impressed me with his amazing voice. Lambert put so much power into “Believe,” a song choice which should have been terribly strange and awkward, I was absolutely stunned. I thought this guy was a David Cook rip-off in the beginning, but now I’m not so sure he isn’t a complete original.

Matt Giraud lovingly played piano as he sang “Georgia” by Ray Charles. He put a ton of soul into the performance, winning a standing ovation from the watching crowd.

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Focus was once again put on the BFF pair of Danny Gokey and Jamar Rogers, who can both sing amazingly well. Rogers appeared before the judges before his friend, offering up a very good performance and a very poor fashion choice. But despite his dressing habits, I’ve got to admit I really like Jamar Rogers. Danny Gokey followed his friend with beautiful, soft singing and lots of heart. He finished off the song with a strong finish.

Anoop Desai put plenty of soul into his performance as well, continuing to display the star power the judges said he needed at his first audition. This time, Desai owned the stage as he sang an old Bobby Brown tune. Jorge Nuñez was briefly featured after Desai, and though the former sounded a little nasal in this round I think Nuñez has proven his chops in previous auditions. Scott McIntyre sat at the piano for his number, which he delivered amazingly well. was brought to her feet by the power of the performance.

Kendall Beard, a cute blonde who hasn’t been featured in previous episodes, sang Carrie Underwood passably well. Stevie Wright is still hanging around, and she offered up a lovely performance with her beautiful vocals. Lil Rounds used her opportunity to show off amazing power, flooring me and potentially the judges as well.

Kristin McNamara, the cute blonde who suffered through so much drama on group night, continues to surprise me. She looks like a sweet little girl with a sweet little voice, but she’s definitely got huge singing power. McNamara put her all into the audition, proving that she earned her right to be in Hollywood beyond the stressful group round.

Mishavonna Henson tried out in Season 7 but was dismissed during Hollywood Week. She returned to the stage to sing beautifully, hoping to change her fate this time around.

is still monopolizing a good deal of American Idol programming - she’s obviously a producer favorite. The diva sang Whitney Houston decently, displaying a good deal of range and power even though she made a terrible choice with her floor-length dress. Tatiana skipped off the stage celebrating, certain she’d knocked ‘em dead. Before the day was done, however, Del Toro’s confidence would falter.

Alexis Grace, Kenny Hoffpauer, Jasmine Murray and Nathaniel Marshall were singled out for their singular singing efforts on stage.

Joanna Pacitti, Casey Carlson and Stephen Fowler were also singled out in the episode - but for an entirely different reason. All of them had noticeable trouble with lyrics, something that’s always been a pet peeve of ’s. Fowler, who played piano during his audition, stumbled so badly through his lyrics he had to ask if he could start over. Ryan Seacrest, off stage, mentioned Brooke White from season 7. But Fowler was unable to carry on even during the do-over. Flabbergasted, he walked offstage solemnly. Together, these three (and many others, of course) awaited their fate in the same room.

Through the day, competitors were shuffled into four different rooms to await word from the judges, who did not offer comments after each performance this time around. In the middle of it all, Tatiana Del Toro was shunted out of room 2 and stood in the hall as she waited to be placed in her newest locale.

, also known as Norman Gentle, donned his flamboyant persona to perform. He sang “Georgia” with a ton of enthusiasm, putting forth a very theatrical rendition. Randy Jackson seemed to love every bit of it, and at the end of his song Norman was sent off to room 4.

Ann Marie Boskovitch, who sang beautifully, sat in the same room with Mitchell. Ju’not Joyner, whom I don’t remember seeing before now, performed very nicely as he stood at center stage. He also waited for news with Mitchell and Boskovitch in room 4. It was here, finally, that Tatiana Del Toro was placed.

Kaylen Loyd and Leneshe Young both offered good performances, though Loyd struggled with her lyrics. Both sat in wait together, hoping for good news in room 3. Meanwhile, Kai Kalama, whose voice cracked and gave out during the solo, and Michael Sarver stayed in room 2 with Nathaniel Marshall and Jasmine Murray. Joanna Pacitti, Casey Carlson and Stephen Fowler also waited for news in room 2.

Simon Cowell disappeared once the singing was done, leaving the remaining judges to deliver the news to four rooms filled with hopeful singers. They visited room 2 first and joyously announced that each had made it through the next round.

In room 3, the competitors listened to sounds of joy next door. India Morrison and Michael Castro were among the waiting singers, and both were sadly rejected with the rest of the room. The group remained quiet as the judges moved on about their business - no celebrating for room 3.

Room 1 was the first to be filled, and they sat the longest to hear what would become of them. It was here that BFF Danny and Jamar waited, along with Kristin McNamara, Adam Lambert, Anoop Desai and Jackie Tohn. With so many great singers in the bunch, it’s no surprise that room 1 was summarily voted on to the next phase of American Idol mania.

In room 4, the air began to grow even heavier with tension. Each one heard two rooms filling with sounds of celebration, knowing that slots for Idol were growing slimmer and slimmer as the day wore on. Tatiana, Matt Brietzke, Ju’not, Ann Marie Boskovitch and Nick Mitchell were among the waiters. But despite a very drawn-out scene with the judges (where Del Toro almost completely lost her cool, if she has any), room 4 was also put through the next round.

They don’t have a lot of time to celebrate the achievement. Tomorrow night’s episode will feature two lengthy hours chock-full of contestants trudging back and forth to “the judges’ mansion” to find out whether or not they’ll make it to the Top 36. By the end of it all, we’ll know which singers have the chops to move forward…and which ones just need to move on.

(You can find all the American Idol 8 posts here.)


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