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Wednesday December 2, 2009 10:21 pm

ABC Cancels More Adam Lambert Gigs

Adam Lambert on the American Music Awards

Looks like will be in ABC’s doghouse a little while longer.

The singer’s controversial number on the American Music Awards has already cost him a performance on GMA, now he’s lost two other gigs on that same network. Lambert’s previously scheduled appearance on the Dec. 17 broadcast of Jimmy Kimmel Live has just been dropped. A tentative booking on Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve is off as well.

Read More | Entertainment Weekly

Adam confirmed the news today through his own Twitter account.

“Yes, sadly friends, ABC has cancelled my appearances on Kimmel and NYE. don’t blame them. It’s the FCC heat… I AM doing Leno though. And lookin into something for NYE… It’ll all blow over. Let’s focus on being positive!”

Lambert, of course, isn’t exactly hurting for screen time. The hole he had in his morning schedule was quickly filled by a CBS concert. Meanwhile, he’s still slated to visit The Jay Leno Show on December 21.

(FYI - You can also follow TV Envy on Twitter.)



I didnt see it, but just from what I`ve read, the sex act was too much for national television.  The kiss however…..sorry double standard.  In this day and age of people coming out, seeing anyone kiss is an accepted act….straight or gay.  If the ladies can partake, straight, bi, or just plain gay then any situational kiss should get the green light.

As for the sexual role play, well I kinda think its a bit of a doubl standard as well.  Why?
Well when Madonna kisses both Brittany and Christine together on stage, I dont know about the rest of you heterosexual males out there but Im thinkin “Threesome” with the ladies….so if a multiple kiss shared between the same sex can envoke those thoughts
then why would simulating a bj be so wrong…...Oh wait that does happen doesnt it?
Movies, music videos and for the most part they are straight couples, but hell they are portraying straight people right…..so whats the problem?  Ah the double standard rears its ugly head once more…..Get with it people ( Dick Clark ) admit it you see it all the time occurring between what is considered the traditional couple, and hell how many friends does Dick Clark have that are gay or lesbian? 

My point is…..the world has changed from what was considered acceptable to we want our rights too (gay people), and has been for years.  So stop treating what happens between a straight couple and whats considered acceptable any differently to what happens between gay couples.  No matter how you look at it its a sex act, if its acceptable it should be well….....just acceptable no matter who`s involved.

There are more important issues at hand in the world today…..refocus people!!

(Bmfixer=Ball Mark Fixer)  Golfers will understand…..lol…..straight or gay.


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