On Gear Live: 2024 Nissan Z Nismo Review

Wednesday October 17, 2007 2:30 pm

A Challenge to Watch Psychics

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Reality, Sci-Fi/Horror, Cable, Gossip,

Lifetime  America’s Psychic Challenge is suddenly starting to make John Edwards seem extremely gifted…and the show has barely started. Sixteen psychics (by their own personal claims) compete in the Lifetime show to win $100,000, working their way through different events. One challenge put a celebrity hidden behind a screen, calling psychics to guess about the personality dwelling therein. The psychic who won the event said the celeb was “a little demanding” and “working on a book.” Another winning psychic, taken to an LA neighborhood and told to guess at the crime scene, said they sensed a gun. Somehow, I feel as though I could compete in America’s Psychic Challenge, and I personally think it’s hooey.

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