Tuesday September 22, 2009 3:44 pm
30 Rock: Season 3 DVD Features

While we patiently wait for 30 Rock‘s next season to start, let’s celebrate the show’s third Emmy for Outstanding Comedy Series with a little disc action.
As of today, the program’s Season 3 DVD set is now available for purchase. For the suggested retail price of $49.98, fans (or newbies) will get 22 episodes of hilarity in addition to audio commentary from several of the actors (including guest stars Jon Hamm and Alan Alda). A number of bonus features - listed after the jump - are also included.
Deleted Scenes:
Comprised of short snippets from a handful of episodes including “The One with the Cast of Night Court,” “Kidney Now” and “Cutbacks.” Watching Jenna attack an intern in “Gavin Volure” is pretty enjoyable as are several interesting tidbits about Kenneth’s life sprinkled throughout. (Did he really fight in Normandy?)
Behind-the-Scenes with the Muppets:
A look at the crew working below the camera during “Apollo, Apollo.” Remember what the world looked like through Kenneth’s eyes? Now see what it took to bring those colorful puppets to life.
Another gem from the “Apollo, Apollo” episode. Get an uninterrupted view of Liz Lemon’s secret commercial…lipstick on teeth and all.
Season Finale Table Read:
Watch the actors turn the words on the page into Emmy-winning dialogue. On the top-half of your screen, you can watch the cast do a table read for the “Kidney Now” episode. Meanwhile, the script is being scrolled on the bottom half of the television.
The Making of “He Needs a Kidney”:
Interesting segment on the making of the “We Are The World”-esque song used in the finale’s telethon. Producer/Composer Jeff Richmond (a.k.a. Tina Fey‘s husband) and Music Editor/Associate Arrange Giancarlo Vulcano detail the activity behind that star-studded number. Rehearsal footage of the singers - from Cyndi Lauper to Elvis Costello and The Beastie Boys - is also included.
Behind-the-Scenes Photo Gallery:
Fairly generic stills of the crew working behind the scenes. No music, just dead air.
Alec Baldwin’s SNL Monologue:
A clip from Alec Baldwin‘s February 14th gig on Saturday Night Live. Jack McBrayer makes an appearance in the monologue.
Tracy Jordan’s Rant:
A (fictional) clip of Tracy Morgan going off a la Christian Bale while trying to act like Tracy Jordan. Classic.
Award Acceptance Speeches:
Included are speeches from the Golden Globes and a post-presidential election Emmys. (Cue an excited Tracy Morgan.)
Season 4 of 30 Rock begins Oct. 15 on NBC.
- Related Tags:
- 30 rock, 30 rock season 3, alec baldwin, bonus features, dvd, dvd extras, dvds, giancarlo vulcano, jack mcbrayer, jeff richmond, liz lemon, nbc, tina fey, tracy jordan, tracy morgan, tv on dvd
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