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Friday January 13, 2006 8:28 pm

Miss America Is Coming…And We’re Waiting To Welcome Her

Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: Prime Time, Reality,

Miss America

We here at TV Envy can admit it: we love the glorious tackiness of the Miss America Pageant. The costumes! The talent routines! The big hair and teeth! Yes, many people find it silly or offensive. It has been labeled non-feminist, degrading, and a bad example for young girls. But the question is can’t we forget all that and just have fun? The Miss America Pageant is a reminder of simpler times, of goofy humor and innocence so severe you just have to smile. It’s a time of rosiness, the women so hopefully earnest in their platform speeches and interviews, you can’t help feeling hopeful yourself.

And if none of that impresses you - well, there’s always the swimsuit competition.

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