Wednesday April 18, 2007 8:14 pm
Mark Burnett’s Pirate Adventure
Ahoy Mateys… ‘Tis time for Survivor on the high seas. Aarrggh! The latest Mark Burnett reality series, Pirate Master, will take place, in part, on a big ‘ole pirate ship. The show will begin on May 31st at 8 p.m., the same date that Survivor debuted seven years ago. “This is high stakes, high seas, high adventure and the life of a pirate,” Burnett said. “It’s a huge—and hard—adventure, with jumping off waterfalls, swimming up canyon lakes and crossing mud-filled jungles.” This series will follow 16 people as they search the island of Dominica for treasure. $1 million of treasure, to be exact. The booty will be located in different locations to spice things up, as Burnett says, “Every week there’s treasure, and it’s worth a lot of money. Most reality competitions finalize with somebody getting half-a-million or $1 million. In this case, it’s spread each week!” To feel the part, the contestants will wear pirate costumes during their 33 day adventure. That Mark Burnett is a genius—using the popularity of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise to fuel the success of his latest production.
Read More | Reality TV World
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- mark burnett, pirate master, survivor
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