Monday July 24, 2006 5:40 pm
Lost Diaries, Upcoming Season Info
At Comic-Con on Saturday, 4,000 Lost fans got a sneak peek at The Lost Diaries, a series of mobile phone episodes for diehard Losties. The “mobisodes” are a result of Hurley finding a video camera on the island and filming his experience. Lost creators hope to film 13 two-minute mobisodes on Verizon this fall, but according to executive producer Damon Lindelof, “It has been hard to get it off the ground, because we don’t want them to be ... lame.”
Season 3, premiering on October 4th, will certainly not disappoint. As mentioned in a previoius post on TV Envy, the series will be split into two chunks to eliminate reruns. Executive producer Carlton Cuse teased that the episodes “will look a little like a miniseries,” with Lindelof adding, “Something happens midway through the year that will fry everybody’s brain.” Other juicy tidbits:
- J.J. Abrams will co-write the premiere, titled “A Tale of Two Cities,” and may direct the first episode following the break.
- Kate (Evangeline Lilly) is promised to have a romantic involvement within the first six episodes.
- Desmond (Henry Ian Cusick), the man in the hatch, will be back (that was a big unanswered question from the season ending).
- The show will include more information about The Others’ history and identities (and certainly will introduce new questions).
- The writers will focus more on the characters off of the island. Cuse promises, “We’re laying the seeds for a whole new element.”
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