Wednesday May 2, 2007 3:17 pm
Isaiah Washington Tries to do Something Right
After a pretty major slip up last year, Isaiah Washington is trying to get back in everyone’s good graces. If you recall, he called co-star T.R. Knight a certain unacceptable gay slur and ended up not being a very popular guy. He also acted jerky at the Golden Globes in January. Then again, despite the incidents, maybe he’s doing just fine. After all, he didn’t get fired from Grey’s Anatomy and his little episode didn’t hurt viewership any. He did attend some type of tolerance program, which was a weak PR move to make amends. GLAAD, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation will be featuring Washington in upcoming public service announcements for the organization. According to GLAAD president Neil Giuliano, “Isaiah understands he is going to be judged by more than just his apology. He knows his future actions - including the genuine first step today’s meeting represents - will demonstrate his sincerity in becoming part of the solution to antigay bigotry. We welcome the opportunity to work with him in the coming months to help improve the cultural climate faced by LGBT people across this country.”
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