On Gear Live: Circuit Breaker: The Tech Newsletter that Elevates Your Gadget Game

Tuesday October 24, 2006 9:48 pm

How I Met Your Mother Barneyism Contest

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Comedy, Prime Time, CBS, Internet, News,

How I Met Your Mother If you’re a fan of How I Met Your Mother, then this contest may be right up your alley. One of the things that has made HIMYM such a success are the lines that Neil Patrick Harris, as Barney, delivers. These are the lines that people regurgitate the next day at the office—and the writers just keep ‘em coming. I, for one, have never gotten in the groove of watching this show. It just doesn’t deliver enough laughs for me… but I certainly understand the appeal and think that Neil Patrick Harris does a great job of distancing himself from the Doogie Howser persona.

TV.com is running a contest for the best Barneyism, with the winning entry getting written into a script of How I Met Your Mother. Imagine your clever line being delivered on the show—instant fame! Hurry and get your entry in—the winner will be decided in December.

Read More | TV.com Entry Form



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