On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Thursday October 13, 2005 8:30 pm

Help Wanted: Qualified Weatherman

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Daytime, ABC, News,

Tony Perkins Leaves GMAAfter seven years of ungodly hours, endless hurricane coverage and forced banter with fans on the streets of New York, weatherman Tony Perkins has decided to leave his post at Good Morning America.  Tired of the commute, Perkins decided it was finally time to live full-time with his family again in Washington, DC.  His last day on ABC will be December 2nd, just after November sweeps. GMA co-anchor Robin Roberts said Tony Perkins’ departure was no surprise. “At a breakfast with co-anchors Charlie Gibson, Diane Sawyer and Robin Roberts about a month ago, ‘he said he had a lot of decisions to make,’ Roberts stated. ‘He never said he was looking, but we all knew how much he missed his family. He had a lot on his mind. It was like a quiet conspiracy, out of respect for him, to wait and see how it would play out.’”

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