On Gear Live: Apple’s HUGE Siri Apple Intelligence Fumble w/ John Gruber - Geared Up 205

Monday August 21, 2006 3:22 am

Entourage:  What About Bob?

Entourage In last week’s episode, Turtle was waking up to a big day…this time, it was Drama.  Nervous about his first day shooting the pilot, Johnny gets all dressed up.  Unfortunately, his outward appearance does not mask the ball of nerves inside.  When Turtle jokes to Drama about playing Vince’s ‘brother’ in the Ramones movies, Johnny lashes out at him.  Worried that he will suffer a panic attack, the boys suggest ways that he can relax: either take some Xanax or ‘relieve’ himself before filming.  Drama decides to go with neither.

Eric also has a big day trying to resuscitate Vince’s career.  He, Ari and Bob Ryan will be heading over to Paramount to get the Ramones movie greenlighted.  Vince once again decides to lay low and chooses to spend the day with Turtle.  Nike is releasing a limited line of kicks that day and Turtle wants to get in line.  Now that’s he’s got his Saigon money, he plans on buying a few pairs.

Eric arrives at the Paramount lot to find Ari pumped up.  But once he finds out that Eric called Bob about the meeting (Ari conveniently ‘forgot’ to make that call), his confidence quickly wanes.  Eric is upset that Ari would want to keep the producer out of his own meeting, but Ari insists that he is only trying to help  Bob.  If he’s in that meeting, he will ruin everything.  Just then, Bob Ryan pulls up to meet the two.  Ryan says that he is excited to see Dawn Steele, the President of Paramount, again…that is until Ari reminds him that Dawn died nine years ago.

Outside the shoe store, Vince and Turtle find a long line of people already waiting for the sneakers.  Vince wonders who would want a shoe so badly, but Turtle explains that the ‘Fukijamas’ were designed by a world-famous graffiti artist.  Thankfully for Turtle, having a movie star by his side should help him move up the line quickly.  Unfortunately, Vince doesn’t want to play that game and insists on standing in back like everyone else.  Although Turtle is bummed, Vinnie promises to help him get the shoes.

Johnny arrives at his shoot nervous but prepared for his two-page monologue.  Unfortunately director Ed Burns has a big surprise.  He has just added a few new paragraphs to the big scene.  Although most actors would welcome a beefed up part, the prospect of having to learn more lines freaks Drama out.

Meanwhile, an also nervous Bob Ryan is trying to prepare for their meeting with the studio head.  It’s been a long time since he has had a meeting with so much on the line, so he proposes opening with a joke or trick.  Instead, he opens the meeting with a cheesy sales pitch.  And then closes it with a magic quarter trick.  Ari walks out the room steamed—he has never been turned down in the room before.  They were told that the movie was just not for Paramount.  Of course, Ari places the blame on Bob.  Had Ari been allowed to do what he does best, they would have had the gig.  Eric tries to mediate and asks Bob to let Ari do the pitches from that day forward.  If they need some finessing, then they will turn to him.  Bob finally agrees and asks where there next stop is.  Ari tells them that they have a meeting at Disney.  Bob agrees to meet Eric and Ari there.

Still waiting in the long line, Turtle becomes increasingly more anxious.  He’s certain he will go home shoeless without the Vinnie Chase card.  Sick of hearing the whining, Vince once again promises to help…but only if Turtle cuts the negativity.  He first proposes calling Nike directly but Turtle tells him that he already tried that.  Just then, a store employees comes out to tell the hopefuls that all the shoes have already been snagged up.  BUT if they can make it to Santa Monica, they might be able to snag one of the few left there.  Determined to get a pair, the boys take off in a hurry.

Doing his best to relax, Drama meditates in his trailer before filming his scene.  When he meets up with Ed again, he is told that they need to do some work on the blocking.  Not only has his monologue been lengthened, but he will now need to walk and talk for his scene.  Completely unnerved, Johnny tells Ed that he left an iron on and runs back to his trailer.

Believing that they are heading to Disney, Eric is surprised to see that they have arrived at the Universal lot.  Bob Ryan quickly learns that Ari has led him astray when his name is not on the Disney guest list.  Eric is pissed at Ari for the deception but has no luck getting a hold of Bob on his cell phone.  Eric wants to delay the meeting with the Universal president, but is forced to continue due to her limited availability.

On the way to Santa Monica, Vince calls the store to try and put some shoes on hold.  Although it is against store policy to do so, the clerk agrees to help Vinnie Chase out if he promises to make an appearance at his younger sister’s birthday party.  Vince agrees and a pair of size 11’s are set aside.  Vince is excited to see that he can use his ‘juice’ to help his friend out.  Unfortunately, when they actually arrive at the store, they find DJ AM (a.k.a. Nicole Richie’s ex-fiance) with their pair of shoes.  Although Vince agreed to appear at the birthday party, DJ AM has agreed to spin records and host the girl’s birthday party at his club.

Wondering what happened to his actor, Ed Burns knocks on Drama’s trailer door.  Johnny paces back and forth not knowing how to calm himself down—that is until he sees an issue of Maxim sitting on his counter.  Desperate for a solution, he finally decides to give in and takes the magazine into the bathroom.  Burns is confused as to what Drama is up to, but the sound guy isn’t.  Johnny unfortunately left his mike on…now everyone on set also knows.  Later when they film the big scene, Drama is flawless.  Satisfied with the take, Ed then asks for a few reaction shots.  Drama gives him anger and sadness…but when asked for a little embarrassment, Johnny struggles.  Why should he look embarrassed?  His character didn’t have any reason to be in the scene.  Wanting to properly motivate his actor, Ed quietly tells Johnny about his audio performance.  Cue the embarrassment shot.

Ari and Eric come of out the Universal meeting feeling victorious.  Ari was able to use his masterful skills to get the studio signed on to the project.  Now he plans on going back to Paramount to see if they will counter-offer.  Eric tries calling Bob again to give him the good news, but he’s still unsuccessful.  Bob actually sees the call coming in from Eric but decides not to answer.

Eric comes home to tell Vince the good news.  Considering Drama’s fine work that day, it now looks like Turtle is the only one who didn’t get what he wanted that day.  To make things up to him, Vince tells Turtle that he was able to score him some good weed.  Now they just need to drive to a shady part of LA to pick it up.  Turtle doesn’t want to exit the car, but Vinnie tells Turtle to trust him.  Turtle is then escorted into a sketchy garage with a wad of money in his hands.  Once inside, he finds an Asian artist waiting inside for him.  Turns out he is the Asian artist—Fukijama himself.  Vince arranged to have a one-of-a-kind pair of shoes made just for Turtle.  Although Vince knows he spent a pretty penny for his friend, Vince’s believes that making his friend happy was worth every penny.

While they are waiting outside the car, Eric receives a call from Lloyd.  He is now in the middle of a conference call with Ari and Bob.  Eric apologizes profusely to Bob…and Ari even manages to eke one out himself.  Still upset, Bob says that he will not let anyone screw him over.  He then informs them that after being kicked off the Disney lot, he then went to visit an old friend:  Alan at Warner Bros.  The same man who now hates his former Aquaman.  They can forget that Universal deal—the project has now been sold to Warner.

An excited Turtle then returns to the car only to see the guys upset.  When he asks what is wrong, Vinnie tells him, “I just spent $20,000 on sneakers and I don’t have a job.”


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