On Gear Live: Apple’s HUGE Siri Apple Intelligence Fumble w/ John Gruber - Geared Up 205

Tuesday August 1, 2006 7:00 am

Entourage:  The Release

Entourage Vince and the boys are heading to the agency.  Ari has another ‘surprise’ for Vince and has asked them to stop by.  Drama uses the car ride as an opportunity to read aloud the pilot’s script.  The audition Lloyd scored for Drama will give him an opportunity to work with Ed Burns.  Given Drama’s history with Ed, he believes he will have a good chance of getting the part.  Meanwhile, Lloyd has been swamped answering calls all day at the office.  Word about Ari’s new building space has leaked and now their lines have been flooded with inquiries.  Although Lloyd hate lyings, Ari insists that he continue to deny, deny, deny.

When the boys arrive, Drama stays behind to continue rehearsing for that afternoon’s audition.  Wary of what Ari’s ‘surprise’ is, Vince is surprised to hear good news.  Turns out the small indie flick he made, Queens Boulevard, will now be distributed to a much wider audience.  The studio is pleased with Vince’s appeal and has decided to open the movie on 1200 screens.  To sweeten the deal, the Hollywood Foreign Press wants to interview Vince about the movie so a press conference has been arranged for that afternoon.

While Drama is still waiting outside, their car is ticketed while he is sitting in it.  He argues that he shouldn’t be ticketed without fair warning, but the parking enforcement officer shows no mercy.  Although Vince offers to pay for the ticket, Drama is still fuming all the way home.  It was the principle of the whole thing that got him upset.  He threatens to drive all the way back to the give the officer a piece of his mind, but the boys tell him to give the whole thing up.  He always gets worked up right before an audition.  Drama agrees to stay focused and takes off with Turtle to his audition.

Back at home, Eric calls Billy Walsh to give him the good news about Queens.  Although the director has already heard about the wide distribution, he does not respond with enthusiasm.  Instead of celebrating, he is currently at the race track drowning his sorrows and blowing his money.  He says he plans on slapping the studio with an injunction.  He doesn’t want them aquamanizing his flick and hopes that it never sees the light of day.  Concerned, Vince and Eric set out to meet Billy in person.

Meanwhile in Ari’s agency, the phones are still ringing off the hook and Lloyd’s lying is causing him to break out.  Ari is now panicked when he hears that his nemesis, agent Barbara Miller (actress Beverly D’Angelo), is waiting on the phone for him.  She tells him that the people are mobilizing against him and she wants to meet for lunch, but Ari continues to deny anything is going on.  Later, Lloyd tells Ari that Rob Rubino is waiting for him in the conference room.  Apparently he was recently fired by Terrance after Ari’s name was found on his call sheet.  Additionally, Terrance demanded that all his agents sign non-compete clauses in order to stay.  Again panicked, Ari tells Lloyd to get on the phone and set up the lunch with Barbara.

En route to his meeting with Ed, Drama tells Turtle that he was once up for a role on Brothers McMullen but turned it down for a three-episode arc on Beverly Hills, 90210.  Before they arrive, Drama make a pit-stop for coffee while Turtle waits outside.  Although he is up for a free drink, Drama finds out that his punch card is no longer valid because the shop has received two many counterfeits.  Johnny insists on speaking to the manager and causes a scene in the process.  Recognizing that Drama is in trouble, Turtle jumps out of the car to intervene.  Before things get completely out of hand, Turtle reminds him that they only have 15 minutes left before their meeting.  Drama agrees to leave, only to go outside and see their car get towed away.

Vince and Eric meet up with Walsh and learn that their movie has been completely butchered by the studio.  The gritty flick has now been colorized.  Needless to say, Vince and Eric are appalled by what they see.  Billy then asks Vinnie to co-sign an injunction with him, but Eric wants to consult Ari first.  They are not in an position to be alienating another studio right now.

Meanwhile, Ari is at the restaurant prepared to have lunch with Barbara.  When she leads him to the back room, Ari is ambushed with a ‘meeting of the five families’.  Reps from all the leading talent agencies have been sitting there waiting for him—including Terrance.  They have apparently been ‘watching’ him for months now.  Terrance says that they will all come down on him if he goes near one of their clients.  Ari initially denies that he is up to anything, but eventually comes clean.  He swears he has no intention of going after any of their clients or agents, only Terrance’s.  Unfortunately for Ari, Terrance may have signed the settlement papers…but he has to sign any checks.  Ari will now never see that money as long as Terrance is fighting him for it.  As soon as he leaves the meeting, Ari frantically calls Lloyd and tells him to schedule an emergency session with all the prospective agents.  Lloyd then let’s him know that Vince and Eric have been trying to reach him about Queens.

Frustrated that they haven’t been able to get a hold of Ari, Vince and Eric set up their own meeting with the studio.  Vince is told that the colorized version will simply attract a much broader audience.  There’s nothing artistic about making money.

Without a car, Drama and Turtle are forced to take a cab to the Ed Burns meeting.  Drama is already 20 minutes late and is disappointed to see that there is no one at the office still waiting for him.  On their way back home, Drama gets a call from Ed on his cell.  Apparently Ed had been trying to call Ari’s office all day but couldn’t get through on the phone.  He had an emergency in New York and wanted to apologize for not being there for the meeting.  Drama is surprised by the irony and even more ecstatic when Burns offers him the part with no audition.  It was Burns’ way of thanking Johnny for turning down McMullen.  Having to fill Johnny’s role himself changed his life forever.

Ari rushes to his emergency meeting and sees a banquet room full of agents waiting for him.  He announces that the Gold Standard Agency will now be starting effective immediately instead of the original September 1 start date.  Bad news?  He won’t be able to pay them for about six months.  This, of course, upsets all the agents who refused to sign Terrance’s non-compete clause.  Just when they are about to walk out, Barbara Miller interrupts the meeting and asks to speak to Ari privately.  She tells him that she believes in him and wants to be partners.  She can’t stand working with her ex-husband anymore and more importantly—she has the finances to to back up his venture.  Only hitch:  she wants 60% ownership and her name on top.  They finally settle on 49% and announce the new name of their new shop:  Miller Gold.

Ari and Barbara then head to the scheduled press conference for Queens Boulevard.  Unfortunately for them, since Ari never managed to return any of Eric or Vince’s calls, he has no idea what they are prepared to say.  Once Vince takes the podium in front of the reporters, he praises the project that he was lucky to be in…right he delivers the dramatic announcement:  The reporters will never get to view a frame of the film.  Since the studio made the mistake of ripping out its soul, he will make sure the movie never gets seen.

Barbara then tells Ari, “Nice way to start the company.”

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