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Thursday August 31, 2006 2:27 am

Entourage:  Sorry, Ari

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Comedy, HBO, Entourage, Features,

Description  Eric wakes up to find a restless Vince standing over him.  Still bothered by the Ramones movie snafu, Vince tells Eric that they should fire Ari.  Ari—either sensing Vince’s anger or wracked with his own guilt—is startled awake.  He tells his wife he believes he will be fired that day.

At breakfast, Turtle jumps all over the axing Ari plan—but Drama is not so quick to judge.  Johnny encourages Vince to take some time before making a big decision.  At the very least, he should entertain the thought of meeting other agents before he goes completely without representation.  Vince decides to go with his gut and tells Eric to call Ari.  Eric refuses and makes him do his own dirty work. 

When Ari learns that Vince has made a direct call on his own, he is immediately freaked.  He refuses to take the call because he believes that ‘you never take an angry client’s call unless you have news to make him smile.’  Panicked, he tells Lloyd to quickly call Alan Grey again to get a meeting set up.  Lloyd then tells Vince that Ari doesn’t have time to meet with him today because he has a very important meeting—a ‘ginormously’ huge lunch.  After he hangs up with Vince, Lloyd tells Ari that Alan Grey has time for him at 10:30 AM.  Ari wonders how he can make it to the Valley in only 20 minutes, and Lloyd says ‘by running, Ari.  BY RUNNING.’  Meanwhile, Vince is baffled by Ari’s absence.  The boys all believe that Ari’s priority should be with Vince, not be on this huge lunch.  They’re now convinced that Ari doesn’t like them anymore.  “Ari does not appreciate the little guy.”  Vince finally caves in and agrees to go through Drama’s collection of agency cards.

Ari bolts into Warner Bros. and finds Alan Grey and Dana Gordon, VP of Production, already waiting for him.  Alan gives him two minutes.  Ari apologizes on Vince’s behalf and says that he’s just a kid who made a mistake.  “You know he would be great in the Ramones movie.”  Alan then suggests his own lead for the movie—Jake Gyllenhaal.  The same actor who took over the Aquaman franchise.  Grey says that he only regrets not putting Gyllenhaal in the first movie.  Dana steps up to defend Vince’s work but only manages to anger Alan more.  Alan tells her that she’s no longer needed in the meeting…and neither is Ari.

En route to their first agency meeting, Vince is unsure what to look for.  He’s never shopped for an agent before.  Drama steps up and lets Vinnie in on his four pieces of ‘criteria’:  decor, service, amenities and ambience.  (The same criteria he uses to pick his day spas.)  After entering, Drama is immediately unimpressed by the ambience but Turtle gives the place a 10 for the female ‘amenities’.  Meanwhile, Eric and Vince are escorted into the boardroom where a roomful of agents are waiting for them.  Vince is told that he would treated as more than just an actor—he would be treated like a brand.  A brand on par with names like Mercedes and Coca-Cola.  Vince and Eric are completely weirded out by the cold and strange experience.

While leaving his meeting with Grey, Ari gets a call from Lloyd.  Vince has already called the agency three times—in addition to the calls and email that Ari personally received.  Making matters worse, the ‘gay assistant corp’ has informed Lloyd that Vince is already heading to his second meeting of the day—an afternoon lunch with Andy Left.  Ari then tells Lloyd to call Left’s office.  Dana Gordon catches up with Ari in the parking lot while he is being transferred to Left’s assistant.  Pretending to be Eric, he cancels Vince’s lunch meeting and calls Left a ‘big fag’ before hanging up.  Dana then lets Ari in on a secret:  Alan has no intention of making the Ramones movie.  He just bought the script so that Vince couldn’t have it.  She only told Ari because she hates working for Alan and wants out.  She really loves the Ramones and hopes to be on as producer.  Ari just needs to make sure that Bob does not sign the deal over to Warner Bros.

Meanwhile, the boys are at the restaurant for their meeting with Andy Left.  Unfortunately, they find out from the hostess that their lunch was cancelled.  Confused, Eric calls the agency only to find out what was said to Left’s assistant.  The guys immediately realize that Ari had intervened.  Eric tries calling Ari but once again gets voice mail.  Since Ari is obviously trying to avoid them, the boys continue with their mission to meet with Josh Weinstein at 3pm.

While Ari is standing outside Bob Ryan’s door, Lloyd calls to tell him about Vince’s meeting with Josh Weinstein.  Lloyd tried cancelling the meeting, but Weinstein is apparently on to them.  Ari then knocks on Bob Ryan’s door, but Bob refuses to talk to him—that is until Ari promises the keys to his own car.  Ari will continue making the lease payments as long as Bob doesn’t sign the deal with Alan.  Ari informs him that the movie will never get made at Warner Bros.  Unfortunately, Bob insists on getting proof and Ari is forced to give up Dana Gordon as his confidential source.

The boys all have good feelings at their last agency of the day—all except Drama.  Drama says that he needs to see the agency’s ‘underbelly’ first.  Josh Weinstein personally comes out to greet he boys and kisses butt from the get-go.  He tells Drama that they would be happy to help him find work, then he alerts Turtle to all the available girls in the office.  Eric and Vince then enter the boardroom enthused by the treatment they had already been given—that is until the actual presentation begins.  On the screen next to Vinnie’s face are the Apple and Cannon logos.  The boys eventually walk out of the building unimpressed.  The place was all ‘surface’.

Ari returns to Miller Gold and breaks into a happy dance—right before he kisses Lloyd.  Not only was Bob Ryan lucid and amiable, but he agreed to return the movie back to Vince.  Ari was thrilled that he could make things work out for Vince.  Vince was his baby, his discovery—he loves Vince.  Just then, Ari’s euphoria is interrupted by a call from Dana Gordon.  Thanks to Ari and his broken promises, Dana is now without a job.  Bob Ryan confronted Alan about the Ramones movie being shelved.  Needless to say, Dana was fired on the spot.  While she was being escorted out of Warner Bros, she tells Ari that he has one day to find her another job.  Ari then makes a frantic phone call to Bob Ryan who is still shaken up by his meeting with Alan Grey.  Bob rambles on about how he had made a career out of trusting his instincts and how the business is now filled with different players and ethics.  When pressed for an answer, he confesses to Ari that he signed with papers with Alan.  “I’m over this town.  I’m sorry.”

Realizing that he has nothing good to tell Vince, Ari tells Lloyd to get him on the phone so that they can get the whole thing over with.  Lloyd refuses to let Ari give up so easily and gives him a pep talk.  He reminded Ari that he actually cares about people.  “I know when you throw the most hurtful, homophobic remarks my way.. you care.”  Pumped up, Ari tells Lloyd to round up every agent in the building and and have them prepared for battle.

Nervous, Ari finally calls Vince back and they arrange to meet in person.  Vince is prepared to look Ari in the eye and tell him directly that he is being fired.  But once again, Drama tells him not to go through with it.  Knowing full well what it is like to look for agent, he tells Vince that Ari is a rare breed.  He’s not like all the other cookie cutter guys.  The boys know exactly where they stand with him.  He was there with them from the very beginning.  Vince finally agrees but believes that Ari—as their ‘friend’— should say he’s sorry.

Once they arrive at Miller Gold, Vince is greeted by Lloyd as ‘Mr. Chase’.  He and Eric are then escorted into their third boardroom of the day and are surprised to see all the agents waiting inside for them.  Barbara Miller assists Ari by welcoming Vince and letting him know that they are 100% committed to his career.  The presentation begins—and Vince is now compared to Microsoft and McDonalds.  Shocked by what he is seeing, Vince halts the meeting and says that he needs to think. 

Ari follows the boys out and is told by Eric that the whole thing ‘pathetic’.  Vinnie then proceeds to tell Ari that he thought he was ‘different’.  He didn’t need that dog and pony show.  Ari is stunned by what he is hearing.  He honestly thought that Vince would be flattered.  But Vince is upset that Ari couldn’t even muster up the strength to simply say he was ‘sorry’.

Not realizing that was all he needed to do, Ari finally apologizes.  Unfortunately, Vince tells him, “I’m sorry, it’s too late.  You’re fired.”

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