On Gear Live: Circuit Breaker: The Tech Newsletter that Elevates Your Gadget Game

Thursday November 15, 2007 3:50 pm

CNN Hosts Democratic Debate Tonight

Hillary ClintonThe Democratic contenders in the Presidential race will take the stage tonight in another primary debate. The University of Nevada will host the event, which will be captured for posterity (and our criticism) by TV cameras. All the action begins at 8pm.

I’ve had the pleasure of watching the primary debates (for both opposing camps) from the beginning, and I must say there’s simply no better TV on at all. Each new debate sees more pointed comments, more heated arguments and more political “outing” from the competitors. Everyone’s policy is on the table for review, everyone’s actions will be called forward and everyone is sure to be at each other’s throats before it’s all said and done. Now, that’s entertainment.

CNN polls for the state of Nevada find in the lead by a huge margin (51%), proving to me that I am one of the few actually watching the debates.  is in second place with 23% of the popular vote while still in the running at 11%. , surprisingly, has surged ahead of other competitors with 5% of the vote, followed closely by who has 4%.  Both and have 1% of the popular vote, with 4% of those polled remaining undecided.

We all have to vote for one of these contenders, or one of the Republican debaters, fairly soon. Watch the debates.

Watch the debates


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