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Wednesday April 12, 2006 1:00 am

American Idol 5: The Final 12 - Week 5

I remembered hearing a long time ago that Baywatch star David Hasselhoff would always try to channel his idol Freddie Mercury in his songs.  But when I actually heard Hasselhoff do his ‘channeling’, I cringed with embarrassment.  I must admit—that same wince came rushing back when I read that the contestants of American Idol would be taking their turn with the songs of QueenIt’s not like we’re watching Rock Star: INXS here.  Would the show produce the cringe-inducing moments that I had feared?  Read on!

SONG: “Fat Bottomed Girls”/ Queen
OUR FIRST IMPRESSION: Although he still needs to clear that frog from his throat, I think his performance is going to be a helluva lot better than some of the other ones we will see tonight.  It may not be country music, but Bucky definitely knows how to find his rock groove.
JUDGES NOTES:  Randy thought it was a great way to start the show, he liked Bucky’s energy.  Paula thought he stayed true to himself.  Simon thought it was a good choice of songs for him, but he thought the performance was quite mediocre.

SONG:  “We Will Rock You”/ Queen
OUR FIRST IMPRESSION:  Ace should have known it was all going to go wrong when the band didn’t want to massacre their own song.  What’s up with femme background vocals?  Gawd, I so wish Constantine was back singing ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ this year.  Ace just couldn’t make it convincing for me.  I’m very surprised that he didn’t sing something more him like ‘Somebody to Love’.
JUDGES NOTES:  Randy thought it was only around a 5 or 6.  Paula appreciated what he tried to do with the arrangement even if it was pitchy.  Simon thought Randy was being generous.  He thought it was a complete utter mess.

SONG: “Bohemian Rhapsody”/ Queen
OUR FIRST IMPRESSION:  Oh gawd.  Now I really wish Constantine was back.  Wait a second—wasn’t it rumored that Kellie and Constantine were dating??  Maybe that explains the song choice.  Either way—nothing could explain her excuse for hair tonight.  It’s like a cross between something from Heart and Lita Ford.  I give her props for trying to step outside her sheltered box, but that’s about it.  The whole thing was a bit too hard to watch.  Maybe because I was blinded by her garish spotlight.
JUDGES NOTES:  Randy thought that she managed to ‘work it out’.  Paula thought she started a bit hesitant, but worked it out towards the end.  Simon actually thought it worked as well.

SONG: “Innuendo”/ Queen
OUR FIRST IMPRESSION:  I am not familiar with this song at all, but Chris definitely ‘did his thing’.  If there was ever a night that Chris could finally could rock out and not seem one-genre minded, this would be that night.
JUDGES NOTES:  Randy said he was expecting big things tonight and that Chris definitely did not disappoint.  Paula was babbling incoherently but I believe she said she loved him.  Simon thought it was going to be the best ‘believable’ vocal tonight.  Simon also thought the song was a bit too indulgent.

SONG: “Who Wants To Live Forever”/ Queen
OUR FIRST IMPRESSION: Uh-oh.  She said that she wanted to make the song simple.  Okay, Simon keeps using the word ‘indulgent’.. and for me, this would be my prime example.  An example that’s actually quite boring.  Why did she have to pick the sappiest songs of the bunch?  Couldn’t she have branched out a bit from her Barbra Streisand mold?
JUDGES NOTES: Randy thought the song was sometimes a bit too big for her.  Paula thought she made the right song choice for herself.  Simon thought it was one of the strongest overall so far.

SONG: “Somebody to Love”/ Queen
OUR FIRST IMPRESSION: So now we know why Ace had to choose ‘Rock You’.... because the song would have been way too difficult for him to tackle.  But in Elliott’s hands, the songs comes off remarkably well.  He has such a charming energy and funk.  I hope he kicks Daughtry’s butt.
JUDGES NOTES:  Randy thought that he loved him despite some pitch problems.  Paula thought it was the best vocal tonight.  Simon gave him props for choosing the toughest song of the evening, and for pulling it off.

SONG: “A Crazy Little Thing Called Love”/ Queen
OUR FIRST IMPRESSION:  Thankfully he didn’t go with ‘We Are The Champions’ like he had originally planned.  This is the far better choice for him and it’s a song I absolutely love.  This song was right up his alley and he delivered a very entertaining and bluesy Taylor-esque performance. 
JUDGES NOTES: Randy said that Taylor finally ‘came back’ tonight.  Paula thought he was a breath of fresh air.  Simon thought the whole thing was ‘ridiculous’.

SONG: “The Show Must Go On”/ Queen
OUR FIRST IMPRESSION:  I’m not a huge fan of this song, but Paris is definitely holding her own.  She definitely used her throaty-voice to outshine the remaining females in the competition.
JUDGES NOTES:  Randy thought it was a bit shaky in parts but thought she managed to work it out.  Paula thought she did a good job.  Simon thought the whole thing was a little ‘weird’. 

EDITOR’S NOTE:  This choice is a bit hard.  Ace was a little too whiny and Kellie’s appearance was a little too scary.  I’m gonna have to vote for ACE.

(You can find all the American Idol 5 posts here.)



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