Friday April 20, 2007 12:16 pm
Alec Baldwin’s Disgraceful Voicemail
Oh, Alec. You’ve really let me down. After I’ve posted numerous blogs about your genius on 30 Rock… after watching yet another brilliant episode last night and wondering why people dislike you… I wake up this morning to read the news about the voicemail message you left for your daughter. Bad, bad Baldwin. If you haven’t heard yet, posted a voicemail message that Baldwin left for his 11-year-old daughter, Ireland. Apparently she missed their scheduled phone call and he went on a rant that included calling her a “rude little pig” and saying “You have humiliated me for the last time.” Oh, my heart just sank—I thought it must be some kind of joke. But, afraid not. Baldwin’s rep quickly made a statement that he “acknowledges that he should have used different language in parenting his child” but that “everyone who knows him privately knows what he has been put through for the past six years.” Uh, I don’t know—yes, he’s been through a lot fighting for custody of Ireland for three years (and the public will never really know the scope of his feud with Kim Basinger), but that’s no reason for speaking that way to your child. I’ve been over at the 30 Rock section of the NBC. com website and there are plenty of comments that people will not watch the show any longer and that Baldwin should be fired.
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- 30 rock, alec baldwin, internet, nbc, voicemail
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