Friday March 30, 2007 4:46 pm
Alec Baldwin Wants to Fund Soldier’s Education
As if I needed another reason to love Alec Baldwin, he goes and does something very sweet. After a touching March 4th article in the New York Times about a young female Army soldier who is going to Iraq, Baldwin tracked down her family to make an offer they couldn’t refuse—helping to pay for 18-year-old Resha Kane’s college education. This comes as somewhat of a surprise since Baldwin has been vocal about not agreeing with the war in Iraq. The Times story really had an impact on Baldwin, whose spokesman said the young girl reminded him of his daughter, Ireland. He personally found the girl’s mother to offer to help with college tuition. In the next few months, Baldwin will meet the girl in person to deliver the good news. “It’s very generous,” she told the Associated Press. “Actors have all this money, and it’s a good thing to see them do something other than for themselves and show some character and use their money wisely.”
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