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Wednesday September 27, 2006 11:51 pm
Terrell Owens: Did He Or Didn’t He?
Dallas Cowboys WR Terrell Owens is once again in the center of a media firestorm. However, it’s not about Owens not getting along with a teammate, a coach, or someone in the front office… it’s about Owens this time and him alone. It was reported early this morning that Owens unsuccessfully committed suicide by overdosing on painkillers last night, for which he had to get his stomach pumped at a Dallas hospital. According to a Dallas police report, Owens admitted being depressed and even swallowed a couple of pills in front of medical personnel. Later, Owens held a news conference denying his suicidal act. He only had a bad reaction to pain medication, which he has had in the past.
All that being said, what are we to believe?
Owens has not exactly endeared himself to not only teammates, but fans as well. Sure, we enjoyed the entertainment value Owens brought (if he was on your team or wasn’t playing versus your team), in part because Owens gave it his all and performed at a very high level. Owens talked it the way he walked it. However, what many could not stand was the blatant call for attention. Who could forget Owens doing crunches as he gave a press conference when he was in a conflict with the Philadelphia Eagles? Or his posing at the 50-yard line over the star at Dallas after Owens scored a touchdown when he played for the San Francisco 49ers? The Pom Pom Dance? How about the Sharpie Incident?
Yes, it seems that Owens has a need for attention. And through the years, he’s gotten it. Now, whether Owens likes it or not, he’s going to get his wish for us to look at him. But, it’s obviously not the way he wanted. After last night’s incident, whether he tried to commit suicide or not, maybe we’ve been giving Owens the wrong kind of attention all along. Perhaps the calls for attention were really calls for help.
Depression is a serious thing. Allegedly committing suicide is just as serious, if not more because one is actually acting on something to push them to try to end their life. Love Owens or not as a player, and I’ll admit I personally loathe him, you have to be pulling for Owens as a person. If Owens never scores a touchdown again, something that’s obviously made him happy, but can find peace in himself and not feel the need for attention, he will be truly happy.
And that’s something that Owens has to believe himself… without the spotlight.
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