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Wednesday April 27, 2011 11:44 pm

EndScore Report: NFL Lockout and NFL Draft

Posted by Dennis Velasco Categories: Athletes, Front Office, News, NFL,

Roger Goodell and DeMaurice Smith not seeing each other regarding the NFL lockoutIn this edition of EndScore Report, DV and Chris speak on the madness that is the NFL lockout, which was lifted by a court decision on Monday, April 25th, which theoretically would have allowed players to report to their respective teams and begin workouts for next season. However some NFL teams did not comply to whatever degree and the NFL owners asked for a stay on the decision to keep the lockout going. When will this all end? How will this affect the currently copious amount of popularity surrounding the sport. How will the fans react? We also talk about the NFL Draft and the potential number one pick. GIVE IT A LISTEN!

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