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Thursday May 4, 2006 7:33 am

Long Ass Thread Thursday: Let’s Do It Again

Posted by Dennis Velasco Categories: Athletes, Drafts, Editorial, Kudos, MLB, NBA, NFL,

EndScore Nation, welcome to the second edition of this particular… I don’t know what to call it… feature? Column?  How about YOUR chance to actively participate here at EndScore.  Let’s make this, whatever you want to call it, a pandemic!!!  Spread the word of EndScore to the world!!!  Remember, this only works when you comment about anything and everything that is sports (or not sports). 

Last week, we got to 35 comments… this week, let’s get to 50.  That’s our goal here people.  Start a comment yourself or respond to one… just play nice.

So, what can we all talk about?

How about Barry Bonds taking a BP ball off his head?  Anyone catch this performance by Bonds?  The histrionics equaled that of a dying character in a high school play!!!  It was almost goofy.  I mean, let’s be real, you know that didn’t hurt Bonds, the owner of a cast-iron forehead.  I swear for a brief moment it looked like Bonds didn’t notice he got hit, but then remembered he had to make belive he was human and just went down.  The ultimate would have been if Wiliam Shatner could have done a voiceover making belive he was Bonds:

“Ouch.  I’ve… been… hit… yes.  Help.”

What else?  How about some blatant self-promotion on my part.  Check out my latest column on SI.com and tell me how awesome I am!!!

OR how long it’s taking me to post all the NFL Draft Grades, having only finished 25% of the teams in the NFL, and tell me how much I actually stink!  But, speaking of the NFL Draft, how do you guys think the teams did?

Albert Pujols… would you pitch to him?

Am I the only one that thinks LeBron James can be BETTER than Michael Jordan?

Let’s discuss…

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