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Thursday March 9, 2006 3:31 pm
Barry Bonds Steroid Scandal
As if Bonds dressing up as Paula Abdoul wasn’t frightening in and of itself, SI is reporting that Barry Bonds has definitely used steroids, and now his legacy is in jeopardy. Currently people are mentioning him in the same breath as Pete Rose, in terms of also banning him for the Hall of Fame. Well, if the people who cast a vote as serious about this issue, they better make sure they exclude all the other sluggers out of the HOF and not just single out Barry Bonds. That means Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire, Rafael Palmeiro, Jason Giambi, or whomever you have a doubt about whether they cheated or not. In some aspects, fans and media drove players to cheat, with the glorification of the home run. Do you remember that TV commercial: Chicks dig the long-ball? The constant media watch on the single season home run record, the escalating salaries for the premiere sluggers have been contributing factors to the increasing steroid problem.
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